Programabilni logični krmilnik
Programmable logic controllers (PLCs) are everywhere today and perform critical tasks in industries. They are considered as a key component for the Industry 4.0. Before they are put into operation, it is necessary to check the accuracy of the PLC programs. This verification operation can be performed using model checkers. This stage is often long a...
Published in Environmental and Climate Technologies
The extraction of Biodiesel from vegetable oil is time-consuming and requires human involvement to perform and keep track of chemical titration, stirring, and washing the product for each batch of production. A well-designed system can significantly eliminate human interaction and expedite the whole process. The construction of an inexpensive autom...
Průmysl 4.0 představil společnosti mnoho možností pro získání a zpracování dat. Pro učinění správného rozhodnutí při obsluze průmyslových strojů a lepší plánování jejich údržby je nyní k dispozici mnohem větší množství relevantních informací. Cílem této práce je vytvoření diagnostického nástroje pro automatizaci s využitím edge technologie. Vytvoře...
This article describes the measuring system and the influence of selected factors on the accuracy of thermographic temperature measurement using a macrolens. This method enables thermographic measurement of the temperature of a small object with an area of square millimeters as, e.g., electronic elements. Damage to electronic components is often pr...
Za potrebe skladiščenja velikega števila palet z visokim pretokom se v zadnjem času pogosto uporablja avtomatska regalna skladišča. Za premikanje palet v avtomatskem regalnem skladišču v največji meri skrbi množica naprav, od transportnih sistemov, vozičkov, do regalnih dvigal. Od vnosa materiala v skladišče do odpreme sistem ne zahteva posredovanj...
Problem Based Learning (PBL) is a student-centered teaching-learning method in which students acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes through real-life situations. At the Technological University of Altamira, which is part of the higher technological education in Mexico, includes in its programs the management of programmable logic controllers (PLC...
V prispevku je predstavljena sinteza podoptimalnega krmilnika, ki sloni na resitvi algebraične Riccatijeve enačbe (ARE). Predstavljen je numerični postopek, s katerim lahko pridemo do te rešitve. V praksi se parametri krmiljenega sistema mnogokrat precej razlikujejo od tistih v ARE. V tem primeru sta vprašljivi optimalnost in celo stabilnost krmiln...
Published in Automatic Control and Computer Sciences
An approach to the construction and verification of LD programs of programmable logic controllers (PLC) for discrete problems is proposed. The specification of the program behavior is performed using the linear temporal logic language (LTL). Programming is performed using the Ladder Diagram (LD) language by the LTL specification. The correctness an...
The first step to grappling with the security problems that face modern supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems and industrial control networks is investing in research and education. However, because of the specialized nature of industrial control systems and networks, the cost of even a modest testbed for research or education ca...