L'affichage environnemental des produits alimentaires a plusieurs objectifs : apporter aux consommateurs une information simple et transparente sur les impacts environnementaux des produits alimentaires et encourager les organisations à éco-concevoir leurs produits afin de réduire leurs impacts environnementaux. Le dispositif, encore en constructio...
Crop breeding in sub-Saharan Africa has made considerable gains; however, postharvest and food-related preferences have been overlooked, in addition to how these preferences vary by gender, social difference and context. This context is changing as participatory approaches using intersectional gender and place-based methods are beginning to inform ...
En France, l'aide alimentaire est la principale option proposée aux personnes en situation de précarité qui rencontrent des difficultés pour accéder à la nourriture. L'essentiel de l'aide s'appuie sur le Fond Européen d'Aide alimentaire, mais surtout sur des dispositifs nationaux de déduction fiscale aux entreprises et particuliers, qui encouragent...
Objective: To explore communities' perspectives on the factors in the social food environment that influence dietary behaviours in African cities. Design: A qualitative study using participatory photography (Photovoice). Participants took and discussed photographs representing factors in the social food environment that influence their dietary beha...
Street vending has drawn recent attention from city governments in both the Global North and the Global South. This paper focuses on the regulation of street food vending and its enforcement in four cities: Bangkok, Chicago, Hanoi and Montpellier. It draws upon qualitative interviews, archival and newspaper research, and ethnography. The regulatory...
The transmission of tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) through food is rare, but can occur through the consumption of raw milk products from animals infected by tick bites. In 2020, France faced a TBEV outbreak linked to the consumption of unpasteurized goat cheese. The aim of this study was to develop and characterize a molecular method for the ...