The influence of consumer trust and environmental concern on purchase decisions regarding organic food
Uvod: Življenjski slog študentov, ki spodbuja zdravje, je pomembna determinanta zdravstvenega stanja in je že vrsto let predmet številnih raziskav. Z vidika raziskovanja in načrtovanja konkretnih ukrepov za njegovo izboljšanje lahko študentom olajšamo prenekatero odločitev pri prilagajanju spremembam, ki jih prinaša študentsko življenje. Namen: Nam...
Dvakrat smo analizirali prehranski vnos, telesno sestavo in telesno zmogljivost kolesarjev v razmiku petih tednov v pripravljalni fazi sezone. Preučili smo, če obstaja povezava med prehranskim vnosom in sestavo telesa ter prehranskim vnosom in telesno zmogljivostjo. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 12 kolesarjev s povprečno starostjo 19 let. Pusto telesno...
Due to their specific mode of operation, military personnel are challenged physically as well as mentally. In most countries, the use of food supplements by military personnel is not regulated, and a high prevalence of supplementation is expected. However, data on this are scarce or very limited, without insights into the importance of supplementat...
Introduction: The number of obese people in the world is increasing, as is the number of sarcopenic people among the older adults. Although both states are concerning, they can be positively influenced by selected behavioral factors such as adequate nutrition and physical activity. We were interested in the prevalence of sarcopenic obesity in activ...