Andersson, Ida Nygren, Oskar
In today's use of digital services, we seamlessly perform lots of microinteractions. Mostly without noticing them. When analysing what's good or bad in interaction with digital services, it is common to focus only on the big functions and it is easy for the small, effective moments in a microinteraction to be overlooked. This study takes a closer l...
Johannesson, Anders
Havsplanering som sammanhållen statlig fysisk planering finns i svensk lagstiftning sedan 2014. Införandet har skapat ett förhållande där ett område i territorialhavet planeras av både stat och kommun. Ingen av planerna står över den andra i formell mening. Samtidigt bygger systemet på antaganden som skapar förutsättningar för vilken kunskap som bl...
Matti, Sara Ankkuriniemi, Sinikka
Many of the administrative information systems at authorities are not designed for the purpose of the business. The systems are often old, rigid, gray and boring. The concept usability has often been used when it comes to designing work systems, but recently the usage of user experience have increased. This study aimed to understand what value user...
Haake, Ragnar
This study is focused on the early writing of Swedish author Sven Lindqvist (born in 1932). The aim of the study is to investigate Lindqvist’s conception of literature, how it is presented, how it develops and how it materializes in his literary production between 1955 and 1962. The introduction describes Lindqvist’s first encounters with the liter...
Wahlström, Ulrika
The aim of this Master’s thesis is to investigate the meaning the reading group of the public library has to a number of users. To fulfill the aim the following three questions have been formulated: 1) What do a number of users expect from the reading group of the public library? 2) Which approach/attitude or approaches/attitudes do a number of use...
Pettersson, Karin
In dieser Arbeit werden drei schwedische Übersetzungen von Kleists Komödie Der zerbrochene Krug in Bezug auf die Verhaltensweisen zum Stil analysiert, die in den Übersetzungen zum Ausdruck kommen. Die Analyse betrifft vor allem solche stilistischen Mittel, die Werner Koller formal-ästhetische Qualitäten nennt, so wie Sprachspiel, den Blankvers oder...
Stenberg, Petter Acuna, Rodrigo
Choosing the right user experience evaluation method can be difficult, choosing the right one for mobile user experience can be even more so. One major cause is that mobile usage is context dependent. Another contributing factor is that there is not one widely adopted theory or framework for user experience due to its complexity. The purpose of thi...
Jadefors-Lindberg, Karin
Denna uppsats handlar om hur pedagogen kan stimulera elevers språkutveckling i utomhuspedagogiken under de första skolåren. Uppsatsen baserar sig på en kvalitativ intervjuundersökning bland sex erfarna pedagoger samt en litteraturgenomgång. Syftet är att beskriva hur utomhuspedagogiken kan användas i aktiviteter som kan stimulera språkutvecklingen....
Ekbladh, Stefan
This study is about the significance of dual citizenship and the feeling of belonging people experience. Descriptions about the problems with being a citizen in a state, but not being accepted as one, is also discussed in the thesis. The juristic aspects, what it means to be possessed of dual citizenship and the consequences when the negative aspec...