Wang, Ke Guo, Rui Zhou, Yunhai Jiao, Leizi Dong, Daming
Published in
Frontiers in Physics
Accurate monitoring of ammonia has decisive significance for the environmental control of poultry housing. Existing sensors based on semiconductor or electrochemistry have the defects of short life, severe baseline drift and delayed response when facing the harsh environment of poultry housing. In this work, we developed a portable sensor based on ...
Chavarría Zamora, Sianny WingChing-Jones, Rodolfo
Consumer concerns about animal welfare have prompted egg producers to dabble into alternative systems. This review aimed to describe the feeding practices and animal welfare of laying hens in systems with access to pastures, as well as forage management and production costs. Eighty-seven scientific manuscripts were consulted in databases and were c...
m., paige
This study is part of a 2 year disease surveillance project conducted to establish the prevalence of poultry and zoonotic pathogens, including Campylobacter spp., among small poultry flocks in Ontario, Canada. For each post-mortem submission to the Animal Health Laboratory, a pooled sample of cecal tissue was cultured for Campylobacter spp., and a ...
Baracho, MS Nääs, IA Betin, PS Moura, DJ
ABSTRACT The objective of the present study was to characterize the scientific production regarding the factors that influence broiler chicken production, and that were published from 2000 to 2015 in journals indexed in the database of Google Scholar, Scielo, and ScienceDirect. The research was done in the Thermal Comfort Laboratory at FEAGRI- UNIC...
Pichová, K Bilčík, B Košt'ál, L'
Published in
Animal : an international journal of animal bioscience
Plumage damage represents one of the animal-based measures of laying hens welfare. Damage occurs predominantly due to age, environment and damaging pecking. IR thermography, due to its non-invasiveness, objectivity and repeatability is a promising alternative to feather damage scoring systems such as the system included in the Welfare Quality ® ass...
Mul, Monique F.
Pest and diseases in agricultural systems reduce the yield and quality of available food and feed worldwide. To meet the global growing demand for these products, losses should be reduced, preferably in a sustainable way. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a sustainable method that aims to minimize economic losses due to pests and diseases. IPM is...
Aarnink, A.J.A. van Hattum, T.G. Ogink, N.W.M.
In this study the diurnal variations in bacteria and endotoxin concentrations and emissions in houses for finishing pigs and broilers were determined.
Vroegindeweij, B.A. van Hell, Steven Ijsselmuiden, J.M.M. van Henten, E.J.
van Harn, J. Aarnink, A.J.A. Blanken, K. Ogink, N.W.M.
De vorming van ammoniak uit het strooisel in vleeskuikenstallen is afhankelijk van verschillende factoren zoals het klimaat (zowel in als buiten de stal), het drogestofgehalte van de uitgescheiden mest, en het drogestofgehalte, het ammoniumgehalte, de pH en de temperatuur van het strooisel. Het is echter niet bekend hoe deze processen onderling op ...
Winkel, A. Huis in 'T Veld, J.W.H. Nijeboer, G.M. Ogink, N.W.M.
In dit onderzoek zijn de emissiereducties onder praktijkomstandigheden vastgesteld van een oliesysteem door validatiemetingen in een leghennenstal met stallen met volièrehuisvesting.