Gray, Joshua C Larson, Mary Jo Moresco, Natalie Dufour, Steven Ritter, Grant A DeLeon, Patrick D Milliken, Charles S Vest, Noel Adams, Rachel Sayko
Published in
Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.)
Although alcohol use disorder (AUD) regularly co-occurs with other conditions, there has not been investigation of specific multimorbidity classes among military members with at-risk alcohol use. We used latent class analysis (LCA) to cluster 138,929 soldiers with post-deployment at-risk drinking based on their co-occurring psychological and physic...
Cloete, S Chantler, L
Published in
Eat, Sleep, Work
War veterans experience psychological disorders as a result of deployment. Peer outdoor support therapy (POST) may be an alternative or complementary therapy, as part of the larger field of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), to traditional psychological approaches for the treatment of psychological disorders arising from deployment. The ...
Goldberg, Simon B Flynn, Anthony W P Abbas, Maleeha Schultz, Megan E Hiserodt, Michele Thomas, Kathryn A Kallio, Kasey Wyman, Mary F
Published in
The Counseling psychologist
This study evaluated rates of psychiatric symptoms and mental health treatment utilization among National Guard service members during the post-deployment period. National Guard service members (n=311) completed surveys assessing demographics, beliefs about mental health treatment, emotion regulation strategies, and psychiatric symptoms. Mental hea...
Mallonee, Sybil Riggs, David Stander, Valerie
Published in
Military Psychology
Much of the prior research on variables impacting spouses’ perceptions of reunion stress have focused on individual variables and have not examined these variables within their shared context, despite the indication from some research and theory that this is a key component of understanding couple’s responses to stressors. The present study examine...
Adams, Rachel Sayko Campbell-Sills, Laura Stein, Murray B Sun, Xiaoying Larson, Mary Jo Kessler, Ronald C Ursano, Robert J Jain, Sonia Corrigan, John D
Published in
The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation
To investigate associations of lifetime traumatic brain injury (LT-TBI) prior to an index deployment, and/or deployment-acquired TBI (DA-TBI), with postdeployment binge and heavy drinking. Soldiers from 3 Brigade Combat Teams deployed to Afghanistan in 2012. A total of 4645 soldiers who participated in the Army STARRS Pre/Post Deployment Study and ...
Brancu, Mira Wagner, H Ryan Morey, Rajendra A Beckham, Jean C Calhoun, Patrick S Tupler, Larry A Marx, Christine E Taber, Katherine H Hurley, Robin A Rowland, Jared
Published in
International journal of methods in psychiatric research
The United States (US) Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Mid-Atlantic Mental Illness Research, Education, and Clinical Center (MIRECC) Post-Deployment Mental Health (PDMH) multi-site study examines post-deployment mental health in US military Afghanistan/Iraq-era veterans. The study includes the comprehensive behavioral health characterization of...
Sayko Adams, Rachel Corrigan, John D Mohr, Beth A Williams, Thomas V Larson, Mary Jo
Published in
Journal of neurotrauma
This study examines whether the relationship between traumatic brain injury (TBI) and post-deployment binge drinking is independent of screening positive for mental health problems among male and female service members. Data are from the Substance Use and Psychological Injury Combat Study of Army members returning from deployment to Afghanistan or ...
Vest, Bonnie M Heavey, Sarah Cercone Homish, D Lynn Homish, Gregory G
Published in
Military behavioral health
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between resiliency factors and mental health outcomes among US Army Reserve and National Guard soldiers. Our results demonstrate that higher marital satisfaction is significantly associated with lower anger, depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Importantly, our results provide evidence that among t...
Possemato, Kyle McKenzie, Shannon McDevitt-Murphy, Meghan E Williams, Joah Ouimette, Paige
Published in
Military psychology : the official journal of the Division of Military Psychology, American Psychological Association
Combat traumas precipitate PTSD, however non-traumatic deployment and post-deployment factors may also contribute to PTSD severity. The Deployment Risk and Resilience Inventory was used to investigate pre, peri and post-deployment factors associated with current PTSD severity in 150 recent combat veterans with PTSD and hazardous alcohol use. Hierar...
Spelman, Juliette F. Hunt, Stephen C. Seal, Karen H. Burgo-Black, A. Lucile
Published in
Journal of General Internal Medicine
Since September 11, 2001, 2.4 million military personnel have deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. To date, roughly 1.44 million have separated from the military and approximately 772,000 of these veterans have used VA health care. Combat deployments impact the physical, psychological, and social health of veterans. Given that many veterans are receiv...