Miklič, Tomás
Populism, characterized by a dichotomy between the people and corrupt elites, challenges the traditional balance of power, which can have a significant impact on the independence and impartiality of the judiciary. In many cases, populist movements seek to undermine the authority of judicial institutions and weaken their ability to act as an effecti...
Sionova, Sofija
This research examines how Volodymyr Zelensky mobilises emotions and populist rhetoric to communicate with politicians and Ukrainians. The thesis aims to answer two key questions: (1) how Zelensky’s emotional messaging differ between targetaudiences of politicians and Ukrainians and time points (first vs second year of war) (2) what characterises p...
Thiele, Daniel Pajnik, Mojca Sauer, Birgit Šori, Iztok
Studies have highlighted differences between right-wing populism in Western and Central Eastern Europe but suggested that discourses have been converging since the so-called “refugee crisis” in 2015. This article examines this claim by focusing on right-wing populist frames and affective communication on migration in Austria and Slovenia. Taking a ...
Rašković, Matevž Takacs Haynes, Katalin Vangeli, Anastas
The rise of populism worldwide provides an excellent setting to explore the dynamic relationships among international business (IB), institutional context, and IB policymaking. It also has important implications for multinational enterprises (MNEs). To understand populism’s recursiveness, such relationships need to be examined more broadly from a s...
Koritnik, Eva
Diplomsko delo obravnava porast skrajnih desničarskih strank v treh državah Evrope, in sicer v Italiji, Nemčiji in na Madžarskem. V zadnjih letih lahko ponovno vidimo povečano podporo skrajnim desničarskim politikom, čemur se posveča to diplomsko delo, namreč zanima nas, kaj so razlogi za njihovo uživanje vse večje podpore. Uvodoma so predstavljeni...
Schnyder, Gerhard Radl, Marlene Toth, Fanni Küçükuzun, Melek Turnšek, Tjaša Çelik, Burçe Pajnik, Mojca
This paper aims to contribute to the ongoing discussions on authoritarian populism and the media, from the lens of the political economy of ownership. In contrast to studies that consider the link between media and authoritarian populism by focusing on the discursive structures of populist communication, this study analyses changes in the structure...
Novak, Meta Lajh, Damjan
The development of organised interests (OIs) during the socialist period in Central and Eastern Europe was considerably limited, if not frozen. This was also somewhat the case in Slovenia, where it was mainly OIs close to the government that could operate. In the early 1990s, the interest group system in the now independent country was already reco...
Ašič, Alen
V Evropi v zadnjem desetletju opažamo naglo rast desnega populizma, ki v svoji retoriki nasprotuje priseljevanju ter multikulturizmu, tovrstna retorika pa pridobiva na podpori. Diplomsko delo obsega pregled zgodovine vzpona desnega populizma na Nizozemskem in analizo povezave med pojavom populizma in kolonializmom ter priseljevalnih politik. Cilj d...
Vlašić Duić, Jelena
Članek analizira govorico sedanjih članov Vlade Republike Hrvaške. Najpomembnejši namen njihovega javnega govora je prepričati občinstvo, da so načela, ki jih zagovarjajo, usmerjena v splošno korist. Ob tem bi morali uporabljati zborno hrvaščino, ki je obvezna v formalnih situacijah, kjer je treba govoriti skladno s kodificiranimi predpisi. Vendar ...
Počivavšek Janhar, Manca
Volitve v zvezni parlament Zvezne republike Nemčije septembra 2017 so predstavljale mejnik v povojni zgodovini te države. Prvič po drugi svetovni vojni se je namreč neki desni populistični stranki, Alternativi za Nemčijo, uspelo prebiti v zvezni parlament. Obdobja pred letom 2017 so v Nemčiji zaznamovali predvsem volilni neuspehi tovrstnih strank, ...