el-sharkawy, mahmoud alotaibi, modhi o. jian, li daolin, du mahmoud, esawy
Heavy metals originating from industrial runoff, agricultural practices, urbanization, and natural geological processes persist in coastal sediments due to their low degradation rates and high stability. Their cycling is influenced by sediment dynamics, water circulation, and complex interactions with biological and chemical factors. Heavy metal po...
bellini, francesco barzegar, yas barzegar, atrin marrone, stefano verde, laura pisani, patrizio
Clean water is vital for a sustainable environment, human wellness, and welfare, supporting life and contributing to a healthier environment. Fuzzy-logic-based techniques are quite effective at dealing with uncertainty about environmental issues. This study proposes two methodologies for assessing water quality based on Mamdani and Sugeno fuzzy sys...
molchanov, oleksandr krpec, kamil horák, jiří kuboňová, lenka hopan, františek ryšavý, jiří bury, marcelina
This study investigates the performance of DC corona discharge electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) for NO conversion to increase DeNOx technologies’ efficiency for small-scale biomass combustion systems. Experiments were conducted using a 5 kW automatic wood pellet domestic heat source with combustion gas treated in a specially designed ESP operated...
ahmat, kaisar hao, lu liu, huiquan
Under the dual carbon mission, more and more coal mines will face shutting down in the future and stop treating mine water drainage, which, if it escapes, may cause severe secondary damage to the local groundwater quality. Wudong Coal Mine is a currently active subsurface coal mine in Xinjiang, China, that shows high-salinity characteristics. To fo...
dobre, tănase isopencu, gabriela olimpia ahmed, shaalan bdaiwi deleanu, iuliana mihaela
Heavy metal pollution is a worldwide and stringent concern following many decades of industrialization and intensive mining without (in some cases) consideration for environmental protection. This review aims to identify the existing and emerging techniques for heavy metals (HM) removal/recycling from water and wastewater, with an emphasis on cobal...
deng, yue xiao, wenqi xiong, zhuang sha, ajia luo, yingyong chen, xiaodie qiang, li
Background: So far, the assembly and response mechanism of soil fungi in the ecological restoration process of lead zinc mines is still unclear. Methods: In this study, we selected three plants for the ecological restoration of abandoned lead zinc mining areas and explored the community assembly mechanism by which soil fungi assist plants in adapti...
yang, xin zhou, yi yincheng, li wang, siming
The severe global hazards posed by marine microplastics must be given attention. This study evaluated the current international legal framework, and offers forward-looking recommendations for enhancing international law. The analysis began by examining the unique characteristics and profound impacts of marine microplastics, underscoring the necessi...
santos, nuno pessanha moura, ricardo antunes, teresa lourenço lobo, victor
It is of the utmost importance for every country to monitor and control maritime pollution within its exclusive economic zone (EEZ). The European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) has developed and implemented the CleanSeaNet (CSN) satellite monitoring system to aid in the surveillance and control of hydrocarbon and hazardous substance spills in the oc...
ajeigbe, kola benson ganda, fortune
The global environment has recently been facing sustainability threats owing to industrial and economic expansions. Accordingly, this study empirically examines the impact of carbon emissions and the directional causality between carbon emissions and environmental quality, financial development, and economic growth. We used data from 65 economies f...
molchanov, oleksandr krpec, kamil horák, jiří kuboňová, lenka hopan, františek ryšavý, jiří
Electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) have shown promise in reducing particulate matter (PM) emissions, but their potential for simultaneous NOx reduction in small-scale combustion systems remains underexplored. This study focuses on using non-thermal plasma generated in a corona discharge to reduce PM and NOx emissions from small-scale combustion. ES...