Iliadis, Mary Harris, Bridget Vakhitova, Zarina Flynn, Asher Tyson, Danielle
Published in
Violence against women
Body-worn cameras (BWCs) have been promoted internationally to enhance responses to domestic and family violence (DFV). However, little is known about their utility, benefits, and limitations. Drawing upon the insights of DFV practitioners who support victim/survivors in the Australian states of Queensland and Western Australia, this article finds ...
Posch, Lena Sklarek, Benjamin
Published in
Monatsschrift für Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform
Stalking äußert sich oft durch eine Reihe von Verhaltensweisen, die einzeln betrachtet gesellschaftlich oder rechtlich angemessen sein können, wie Textnachrichten, Telefonanrufe oder Geschenke. Aufgrund seiner komplexen und mehrdeutigen Natur ist die Formulierung einer umfassenden rechtlichen Definition schwierig, was wiederum eine effektive strafr...
Palacios Cerezales, Diego
Las formas de la protesta y las de la actuación policial evolucionan paralelamente. Durante la década de 1960, la radio y el coche radio-patrulla mejoraron la coordinación logística de los dispositivos policiales, pero también empoderaron a los activistas, periodistas y curiosos que interceptaban las emisiones. A partir de una base de datos de grab...
van Hall, Matthias Dirkzwager, Anja J E van der Laan, Peter H Nieuwbeerta, Paul
Published in
International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology
Procedural justice literature proposes that when individuals perceive their treatment by criminal justice authorities as more procedurally just, they will be more likely to view those authorities as legitimate and, in turn, show more compliant behavior. Knowledge on potential determinants of procedural justice is, therefore, crucial. Research sugge...
Hazell, Cassie M Fielding-Smith, Sarah Koc, Yasin Hayward, Mark
Published in
Journal of mental health (Abingdon, England)
First responders (i.e. police and ambulance staff) have increasingly become part of the mental health care system, often being the first port of call for those experiencing a crisis. Despite their frequent involvement in supporting those with mental health problems, there is evidence that mental health stigma is high amongst first responders. The a...
Tréguer, Félix
Drones, logiciels prédictifs, vidéosurveillance algorithmique, reconnaissance faciale : le recours aux dernières technologies de contrôle se banalise au sein de la police. Loin de juguler la criminalité, toutes ces innovations contribuent en réalité à amplifier la violence d’État. Elles placent la ville sous contrôle sécuritaire et referment nos im...
teles, davi oliveira de oliveira, raquel alves de oliveira parnaíba, anna luísa rios, mariana araújo machado, melissa bezerra aquino, priscila de souza de menezes, purdenciana ribeiro ribeiro, samila gomes renata, paula dalcin, camila biazus
Objective: The objective was to identify validated instruments from the literature that assess the mental health of police officers. Methods: This is a systematic review of validated instruments used to assess the mental health of police officers. Searches were conducted in the MEDLINE, Web of Science, Scopus, Embase, CINAHL/EBSCO, and Virtual Heal...
tomes, colin schram, ben d. canetti, elisa f. orr, robin
The Law enforcement profession is known to impart high stress. Members of Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) teams are allocated particularly demanding law enforcement operations and may therefore attain high fitness levels but may accumulate excessive stress. Heart rate variability (HRV), an assessment of time differences between heartbeats, likel...
Li, Jessica C. M. Zhang, Serena Y. Sun, Ivan Y. Ho, Albert S. K.
Published in
Frontiers in Sociology
Introduction Understanding police legitimacy among children and youth is important for building a just and democratic society. Although the volume of studies on police legitimacy among underaged persons has grown in recent decades, the findings on the relationships between police legitimacy and procedural justice and their definitions, associated d...
gatlin, meera
Working dogs are an essential part of modern society, and police canines (K9s) in the United States are amongst the most recognizable of all working dogs. Given the dearth of published data on active police canines in the U.S. and the calls for police reform, an interdisciplinary effort is necessary to comprehensively understand how these dogs are ...