heng, yu zhu, dawei wan, sicheng jiang, yuting chao, lu zhang, rui jia, yan
The flow of water in plain river network areas is significantly influenced by various factors, including human activities, upstream water influx, downstream tidal forces, and local rainfall. This leads to a complex situation where poor drainage and flooding are frequent occurrences. Polders play a crucial role in water management and agriculture in...
Mostert, E. (author)
In het project Erfgoed onthult; Trekvaarten binnen het waterverband is gekeken naar de toekomstwaarde van trekvaarten voor klimaatadaptatie. Het project richt zich specifiek op het gebied tussen de steden Leiden, Den Haag, Delft, Rotterdam en Gouda met de trekvaarten de Vliet, de Schie, de Gouwe en de Oude Rijn. Tot het jaar 900 was dit gebied grot...
Mostert, E. (author)
In the project Heritage uncovered; Tow barge canals in a water management context, the future value of tow barge canals for climate adaptation has been studied. The project focused on the area between the cities Leiden, The Hague, Delft, Rotterdam and Gouda, with a surface area of km2, and the tow barge canals the Vliet, the Schie, the Gouwe and th...
Meilliez, Francis Beucherie, Arnaud Deschodt, Laurent Maréchal, Christine Lecomte, Justin Nicollin, Jean-Pierre
International audience
Ahmed, Z. Shew, A.M. Mondal, M.K. Yadav, S. Jagadish, S.V. Krishna Prasad, P.V.V. Buisson, Marie-Charlotte Das, M. Bakuluzzaman, M.
The effects of climate change are likely to increase the frequency of flood, drought, and salinity events in the coastal areas of Bangladesh, posing many challenges for agrarian communities. Sustainable intensification in the form of improved agricultural management practices and new technologies may help farmers cope with stress and adapt to chang...
Bobbink, I. (author) Gramsbergen, E.H. (author)
De inrichting van het Nederlandse landschap moet wederom op de schop. Dit keer niet om de delta door ontginning bewoonbaar te maken of door ruilverkaveling efficënter in te richten voor de landbouw, maar om het land in deze tijd van klimaatverandering en bevolkingsgroei bestendiger en leefbaarder te maken voor mens, flora en fauna. Door zeespiegels...
Schütt, Jeroen Amelung, Bas
Door de vraag naar meer huizen en bedrijvigheid staan de groen scheggen van Amsterdam onder druk. Zo wordt de Lutkemeerpolder, onderdeel van de Scheg van West, omgevormd tot bedrijventerrein; een keuze die twintig jaar geleden is gemaakt, maar nog steeds op veel weerstand stuit van omwonenden. Stichting Behoud Lutkemeerpolder heeft de Wetenschapswi...
Aydin, B.E. (author) Rutten, M.M. (author) Abraham, E. (author)
Surface water salinization in deltaic areas due to saline groundwater exfiltration is an important issue. Fresh water diverted from the rivers is used for flushing the canals and the ditches in coastal areas to remove the low quality saline surface water mixed with saline groundwater. Worldwide, deltaic areas are under stress due to climate change,...
Stofberg, Sija F.
The Dutch lowlands may be subject to salinization, through saline upward seepage and increased salt concentrations in the surface water, which may affect agriculture and nature areas with floating fens. A simple approach was proposed to estimate root zone salinization in areas with fresh water lenses that float on upward seeping saline groundwater,...
Jagadish, Krishna S.V.
Dr. Krishna Jagadish, PI of the Bangladesh subaward funded by the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Collaborative Research on Sustainable Intensification (SIIL), presents his project to the SIIL community. Filmed in January 2016.