Dakowska, Dorota
Cet article analyse les transformations de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche en Pologne, en se focalisant sur les réformes consécutives au changement de régime en 1989, celles mises en place par les majorités libérales puis par le parti conservateur Droit et Justice (PiS). D’une part, il se penche sur les conditions d’avènement et de l’in...
Venken, Machteld
Establishing and implementing rules that would teach young people to become active citizens became a crucial technique for turning those spots on the map of Europe whose sovereignty had shifted after World War I into lived social spaces. This article analyses how principals of borderland secondary schools negotiated transformation in Polish Upper S...
Witkowski, Jakub
This project is located in Piotrkow Trybunalski in central Poland. This region of Poland is known for its cotton production and industrial work throughout the 19th and 20th century. The city is located close to Lodz which is the second largest city in Poland and its industrial heartland. The region is also known for being the main hotbed of Partis...
Stobierska, Agnieszka
Afterimage itself is a recreation of subjective memories in a multiple portrait.
Vanderschueren, Jonas
Censuur van overheidswege, rellen en zelfs pogingen tot aanslagen: in Polen heerst de afgelopen jaren een vijandig klimaat ten opzichte van hedendaags theater. De Poolse scene lijkt in korte tijd een politiek strijdveld te zijn geworden, soms zelfs letterlijk. De situatie in Polen vandaag is urgent, en dat lijkt een catalysator te zijn voor een her...
Vanderschueren, Jonas
In de jaren '90 van de twintigste eeuw en de eerste helft van de jaren 2000 domineerde de Poolse sociaaldemocratische Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej (SLD) het Poolse politieke landschap. Ze vormden verschillende regeringen en wonnen de presidentsverkiezingen van 1995 en 2000. Dat veranderde in 2005: de partij verloor 30% in vergelijking met de vorige...
Sloniec, Jolanta Kaczorowska, Anna Motyka, Sabina
The article presents the process of co-creation on the Internet as an innovative method of product and service innovation development by modern companies. The aim of the article is to present the process of co-creating products on the Internet based on desk studies and own pilot surveys conducted on respondents from three countries: Poland, Ukraine...
rosciszewski, marcin
This paper presents Poland's place in new european space, including its West-European orientation. Among others we take into consideration the location of the country on the main West-East communication axis, as well as its opportunity to become a true hub of European communications in the central European space. The present transformations of econ...
austin, matthew prinja, raman
Some late-type O stars are observed to display anomalously weak winds. This issue and the uncertainty about the nature of wind clumping are challenges to line-driven wind theory and need resolving in order to fully understand hot stars. We describe the results from the computation of ion fractions for the various elements in O star winds using the ...
Hoste, R. van Wagenberg, C.P.A. Wijnands, J.H.M.
The European Commission proposed the opportunity for individual EU Member States to restrict or prohibit the use of GMOs in food or feed on their territory (a national ‘opt-out’). The economic impact on individual sectors of the feed and food chain (the vegetable oil and meal industry, trade, animal feed industry, livestock sector) of a possible op...