Cruz Beltrán, José Eduardo
Resumen Una revisión a los libros de texto gratuitos para el ciclo escolar 2023-2024 detectó una considerable presencia del México antiguo en términos de la escritura de la historia y la iconografía utilizada. En el marco de la Nueva Escuela Mexicana, las asignaturas fueron integradas a cuatro campos formativos y, para algunas voces, aquellas, como...
Navarrete Cazales, Zaira
Resumen El presente trabajo tiene el objetivo de presentar una revisión de las políticas educativas planteadas a partir de entidades supranacionales para reconocer la manera en la que impactan en el desarrollo y transformación del nivel secundaria en América Latina. A partir de una metodología cualitativa de corte documental se encontró que la regi...
Jarquín Ramírez, Mauro Rafael Díez Gutiérrez, Enrique Javier Palomo Cermeño, Eva
This paper analyses the role of current think tanks in education policy based on the case study of the Inter-American Dialogue's education project, the most representative think tank at the educational level in Latin America, as well as the links that this organization has generated with other sectors in order to promote its education reform progra...
Inclán Espinosa, Catalina Abellan Fernández, Jordi
This article aims to contribute to the debate on basic education teacher training policies in Mexico during the 2018-2024 period. The analysis strategy starts with a review of the discursive constituents conditioning the educational policy, followed by an assessment of the aspects that impacted the transmission of information, and concludes by exam...
Alfaro Rodríguez, Arelys Valverde Alfaro, Elena
This article aims to be a resource to address the strengthening of oral expression, through the dramatization of literary texts; In addition, it is desired to combine this communicative ability with reading comprehension, so that these two areas of language are addressed and reinforced. Although it is true, the material is proposed to work at the e...
Torres Hernández, Rosa María
This paper analyzes the role of families facing the disruption caused by the shutdown of school facilities due to the health crisis caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, based on the premise that the reflection of conflicts and the debate about how to deal with them allows us to attain and build institutional learning. It shares the findings of the resea...
García Sandoval, Jesús Roberto Esquivel, Francisco Alonso Aldape Ballesteros, Luis Alberto Rodríguez Soto, Joel
Rural teachers face a number of educational challenges, compared to their urban counterparts. The objective of this work was to analyze the educational challenges of teachers in rural high school schools, identifying the pedagogical challenges and educational policies involved in teaching to generate educational strategies that favor rural educatio...
Álvarez Jiménez, Victoria E. Sanchidrián Blanco, Carmen
This paper aims to provide a historical and legislative overview of doctoral theses in Spain as a fundamental element to understand the development of university education and the changes it has been experiencing. To do this, its evolution is analyzed from the educational, historical and political context. After an introduction, the text is divided...
Medrano Camacho, Verónica
Taking into account that the sustainability of policies is usually measured through the funding that is linked to them, this article analyzes the repositioning of normal schools within the national educational normativity, the participation of the normal education community in the design of the policy addressed to them, and the fluctuations of thei...
Romero Oliva, Manuel Francisco Florido Zarazaga, Blanca Heredia Ponce, Hugo
The inclusion of Agenda 2023 in higher education has urged universities to include competencies in their training programs for environmental and sustainability awareness. Thus, the main objective is to know the beliefs of future teachers regarding the integration of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in classroom practices and non-fiction pic...