Peraza Durán, Claudia Martínez Cordero, Francisco Javier Pérez Vázquez, Arturo
Objective: Characterize the world scientific literature of the last decade (2012-2022) on the assessment of tourism potential and analyze the methodologies used in such studies. Methodology: A Quantitative Systematic Literature Review (SQLR) was carried out, which, through the stages of identification, review and filtering and selection and analysi...
Muñoz Amores, Adriana Méndez Montero, Ana Carolina
This article aims to analyze cantonal processes of land use and planning, recognizing the need for a comprehensive approach that includes the condition of the resources, which, despite being central and interdependent in these processes, has not necessarily been prioritized both the water balance and the actors linked to the issue. In this reflecti...
Bondis Luna, Ignacio Andrés Rojo Mendoza, Félix Escalona Ulloa, Miguel
The housing encampments in Chile represent urban marginalization in the country. Due to the limited housing options the State provides, these settlements have historically developed forms of organization and struggle in search of their right to the city. Essentially, these actions focus on self-management to obtain a place to live. However, despite...
Otero, Dana Arboit, Mariela Edith Maglione, Dora Silvia Viegas, Graciela Melisa
Urban population growth in Latin America is accompanied by a dispersed expansive process of cities and increased energy consumption. Urban-building regulations have the potential to mitigate these problems. Through a survey and diagnosis of regulations, the urban-building regulatory frameworks of the six municipalities of the Mendoza Metropolitan A...
Cortet, Jérôme Paquet, Sarah Billet, Philippe Bougon, Nolwenn Calvet, Coralie Charmet, Jean-Francois Chenu, Claire Gascuel-Odoux, Chantal Damas, Olivier Desrousseaux, Maylis
Alors que les enjeux de la préservation des sols gagnent en visibilité au sein de la société, la loi française du 22 août 2021, dite loi Climat et Résilience, inscrit dans la législation française un objectif de « zéro artificialisation nette » (ZAN) et introduit la notion de compensation de l’artificialisation des sols, établissant un lien logique...
Gómez-Campos, Nelvis Elaine Pérez-Martínez, Liz Cabrera-Hernández, Juan Alfredo Nogueira Rivera, Dianelys Medina León, Alberto
Abstract Adequate territorial planning is essential for the sustainability of development and, within it, the integration of ecosystem services is key. The objective of this research is to present a procedure for the integration of ecosystem services to territorial planning in the socioeconomic context of Cuba. Methods are applied: historical-logic...
Azevedo, Úrsula Ruchkys de Matias Costa, Daniel
The Vargem das Flores basin in the municipality of Contagem/MG is the scene of intense conflicts related to land use and divergent policies on territorial planning and environmental protection, because the area is protected by environmental legislation. Downstream of the basin there is a dam for the formation of the Vargem das Flores reservoir that...
Hermosilla Pla, Jorge Fansa, Ghaleb Mayordomo Maya, Sandra Fernández Villarejo, Mónica Aparicio Vayà, José Vicente
Desde 2016 el gobierno autónomo valenciano ha impulsado una iniciativa relacionada con la mejora del mercado laboral, que consiste en el diseño y el desarrollo de un conjunto de acciones recogidas y asentadas en el Laboratorio Territorial del Empleo Valenciano, dependiente del Servicio Valenciano para el Empleo, conocido por Labora-GVA. El artículo...
Di Pietro, Simone
Resumen. La reconfiguración social de las tecnologías, así como la de los sistemas sociales e institucionales que permiten su surgimiento y uso, es indispensable para la sostenibilidad. El presente trabajo profundiza los procesos de transición energética urbana mediante la adopción de sistemas autónomos/descentralizados de energía renovable, en el ...
Portugal Loayza, Jimena
The objective is to propose a management model for the registration, protection, and territorial planning of archaeological entities for the municipalities in Bolivia. The re-search adopts a qualitative, descriptive, and propositional approach, using the technique of documentary-bibliographic analysis and the experience of a municipal archaeologica...