Podmiljšak, Manca
Uvod: Po vsem svetu v različnih kulturah na različne načine častijo, cenijo in ravnajo s placento, kar pa je odvisno od njihovih vrednot, prepričanj in praks. Vedno več žensk se odloča za placentofagijo, ki je definirana kot zaužitje placente kadarkoli po porodu s strani kogarkoli v surovi ali spremenjeni obliki. Čeprav je placentofagija pogosta me...
Branche, Tonia Pouppirt, Nicole Nelson, LaTasha D Khan, Janine Y
Published in
The Journal of pediatrics
Whittington, Julie R Ghahremani, Taylor Whitham, Megan Phillips, Amy M Spracher, Bethany N Magann, Everett F
Published in
International Journal of Women's Health
Community birth is defined as birth that occurs outside the hospital setting. Birthing in a birth center can be safe for certain patient populations. Home birth can also be safe in well-selected patient with a well-established transfer infrastructure should an emergency occur. Unfortunately, many areas of the United States and the world do not have...
Urbanc Munda, Katarina
Uvod: Izraz placentofagja pomeni, da mati po porodu zaužije placento/posteljico. V živalskem svetu je placentofagija od nekdaj prisotna pri večini sesalcev, pri ljudeh so po uradnih zapisih pojav zaznali šele v letu 1970 v severni Ameriki. V zadnjih desetih letih se trend uživanja posteljice povečuje, predvsem v razvitem svetu. Ženske se za uživanj...
Gelin, Uriel Keller, Matthieu de Beaupuis, Victor Nowak, Raymond Lévy, Frédéric Locatelli, Yann
International audience
Young, Sharon M Gryder, Laura K Cross, Chad L Zava, David Norris, Wendy Benyshek, Daniel C
Published in
Journal of midwifery & women's health
Clinical studies conducted in the early to mid-twentieth century, and recent self-reports by some maternal placentophagy practitioners, suggest that human maternal placentophagy improves breast milk quality and quantity, although little research has evaluated this claim. Some placentophagy providers and advocates suggest that increased prolactin le...
Stanley, Claire Baillargeon, Amanda Selk, Amanda
Published in
Journal of obstetric, gynecologic, and neonatal nursing : JOGNN
To evaluate the knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs of women during pregnancy and the postpartum period related to placentophagy. Mixed methods study (cross-sectional survey and online discussions). We used social media to advertise the study to mother/parenting groups. Online discussion groups were conducted through Google Groups. Women during pregn...
Nguyen, Nga Lee, Laura M Fashing, Peter J Nurmi, Niina O Stewart, Kathrine M Turner, Taylor J Barry, Tyler S Callingham, Kadie R Goodale, C Barret Kellogg, Bryce S
Published in
American journal of physical anthropology
The birth process has been studied extensively in many human societies, yet little is known about this essential life history event in other primates. Here, we provide the most detailed account of behaviors surrounding birth for any wild nonhuman primate to date. Over a recent ∼10-year period, we directly observed 15 diurnal births (13 live births ...