Lee, Min-Sun Lee, Gi-Eun Lee, San Ho Lee, Jang-Han
Published in
Frontiers in Psychology
Introduction This study aimed to explore the arousal and valence that people experience in response to Hangul phonemes based on the gender of an AI speaker through comparison with Korean and Chinese cultures. Methods To achieve this, 42 Hangul phonemes were used, in a combination of three Korean vowels and 14 Korean consonants, to explore cultural ...
Belmon, Johanne Noyer-Martin, Magali Jhean-Larose, Sandra
Phonological awareness is recognized as a precursor to reading success. Choosing material to assess children’s phonological awareness is a major challenge. The literature highlights factors that can influence children’s phonological skills, such as the frequency of words, their lexical status, and their linguistic parameters. To date, no study has ...
Dister, Anne Moreau, Marie-Louise
Published in
SHS Web of Conferences
Nous analysons les correspondances phonèmes-graphèmes dans un corpus de près de 12 000 dictées produites lors d’un championnat d’orthographe. Cette analyse montre qu’en fin de scolarité primaire, les élèves maitrisent bien ces correspondances, le pourcentage des écarts, calculé sur le nombre de phonèmes, étant toujours inférieur à 1 %. Cela ne veut...
Rob, Domen
Glavni cilj diplomske naloge je razjasniti izgovor črke po veljavni pravorečni normi, torej v veljavnem normativnem priročniku (Slovenskem pravopisu 2001), ne pa neposredno v rabi. Pri tem se problematika pokaže kot zelo široka in zapletena zaradi razdvojenosti med izgovorom in zapisom. Problem zapisa črke zajema različne načine zapisovanja današ...
Jain, Parul Conte, Mary M Voss, Henning U Victor, Jonathan D Schiff, Nicholas D
Published in
Brain Communications
Graphical abstract
Johannsen, Leif
The human voice plays a major role in interpersonal communication. A key property of the voice is its directionality, as it influences the energy distribution in the surrounding space and at the ear of the receiver. Research on this topic is of great relevance for architectural design, the development of new technologies in the field of telecommuni...
Hestvik, Arild Scharinger, Mathias Shafer, Valerie L. Lahiri, Aditi
Published in
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
Wang, Xiaoxi
Cette étude tente d’apporter des preuves empiriques d’une corrélation phonosémantique dans certains types de noms propres en mandarin. Le cadre dans lequel elle est menée est celui de la linguistique analogique, où l’analogie est considérée comme étant un processus cognitif qui repose sur une relation de similarité (binaire ou proportionnelle) entr...
Pelegrinová, Kateřina Mačutek, Ján Čech, Radek
Published in
Journal of Linguistics/Jazykovedný casopis
It is shown that the mean morpheme length (measured in phonemes) decreases with the increasing length of word types (in morphemes) in Czech texts, i.e., these language units behave according to the Menzerath-Altmann law. The law is not valid in general for word tokens. Some hints towards an interpretation of parameters are presented.
Gennari, Giulia Marti, Sébastien Palu, Marie Fló, Ana Dehaene-Lambertz, Ghislaine
Published in
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Creating invariant representations from an everchanging speech signal is a major challenge for the human brain. Such an ability is particularly crucial for preverbal infants who must discover the phonological, lexical, and syntactic regularities of an extremely inconsistent signal in order to acquire language. Within the visual domain, an efficient...