Vranešević, Goran
The article seeks to delineate the often misunderstood idea of speculation that has conceptually been converted from an epitome of pure thought into an economic category of profitability and self-interest. But to define speculation already means to pose a problem. In Augustine speculation designates the mutual relationship between reflection and th...
Papadimos, Thomas John
Published in
Medical teacher
Generation Z students can be challenging. The Internet, the Covid-19 epidemic, its political aftermath, and the substantial online educational content they have been required to endure, has left them with a perspective towards a work-life balance to which we older, more experienced faculty are not accustomed. Here, I give caution and guidance to my...
Nakkalil, Keerthi Bomben, Marco
Radiation damage significantly impacts the performance of silicon tracking detectors in Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments such as ATLAS and CMS, with signal reduction being the most critical effect; adjusting sensor bias voltage and detection thresholds can help mitigate these effects, generating simulated data that accurately mirror the perf...
Bender, Miriam
As a practicing clinical nurse, a phenomenon I experienced at times was the sudden acute sense that something was going wrong with a person in care at the sub-critical unit in the hospital where I worked. In fact, many hospital nurses have their story of somethings not right in relation to a person they were caring for/with, in that the day started...
Salcido, Miroslava
Introduction: From the character of the manifesto and in dialogue with other writings, the following text postulates the relationship between women’s thinking, writing, philosophy and art as axes of what the author calls ‘life as literary achievement’. Development: This relationship is understood as a position taken with respect to the theological ...
Bender, Miriam
Published in
Nursing inquiry
As a practicing clinical nurse, a phenomenon I experienced at times was the sudden acute sense that something was going wrong with a person in care at the sub-critical unit in the hospital where I worked. In fact, many hospital nurses have their story of "something's not right" in relation to a person they were caring for/with, in that the day star...
Gómez Velaustegui, Juan Roberto
The concept of “person” is associated with normative characteristics and functions, implying the recognition of rights and obligations, but it is also linked to psychological, biological, and social factual aspects. This theoretical research work, through the techniques of bibliographic review and comparative analysis of content from philosophical ...
Marcinów, Teresa
Published in
Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric
The research aim of this article is to answer the question of the validity of the dialogical paradigm when confronted with the challenges posed by new digital technologies. The article is a synthetic and selective study of this issue. The research intention is realised in several points. The scope of considerations includes a brief presentation of ...
Mścisławski, Łukasz
Published in
Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric
Despite the many successes of generative AI, a number of fundamental questions have begun to arise around this technology. There is undoubtedly an interesting situation from a philosophical point of view. It can be carefully assumed that contemporary digital information processing technologies have arisen inside a circle of civilisation, one of the...
Rezkalla, Paul Smith, Emmanuel
Published in
Journal of medical ethics
In their article 'Is Pregnancy a Disease? A Normative Approach', Anna Smajdor and Joona Räsänen contend that, on several of the most prominent accounts of disease, pregnancy should be considered a disease. More specifically, of the five accounts they discuss, each renders pregnancy a disease or suffers serious conceptual problems otherwise. They ta...