Troya Santilán, Bella Narcisa Garcia Sosa, Suly Monica Medina Marino, Patricia Alexandra Campoverde Duran, Veronica Del Rocio Bernal Párraga, Augusto Paolo
This article explores the design and implementation of educational games powered by artificial intelligence (AI) to improve student learning. A conceptual framework is presented that integrates AI techniques in the development of educational games, focusing on the personalization of content, realtime adaptation to student needs and the provision of...
Bustamante Mora, Freddy Fernando
This research was based on analyzing the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in the educational field, therefore, it focused on exploring the ways in which AI can be used to improve the personalization of learning, supporting teachers in identifying and addressing the individual needs of students. Therefore, according to the re...
Blanco Iturralde, Jeanneth Alexandra Rocha Cajas, Jimena Alexandra Rocha Cajas, Elena Paulina Rocha Cajas, María Elizabeth Criollo Llumiquinga, Lucía Jimena
Effective implementation of educational technology in the classroom requires adequate teacher training to maximize its potential. Technology can personalize learning, foster collaboration, and improve access to global resources. However, the lack of technological skills and pedagogical knowledge can hinder their successful integration. Teachers mus...
Leones Zambrano, Paul Macias Bazurto, Liceth Benítez Miranda, Rodrigo Sancho Aguilera, David
La educación en línea está experimentando un rápido crecimiento, especialmente debido a la pandemia de COVID-19, resaltando tanto sus beneficios como sus desafíos, la necesidad de superar obstáculos geográficos y socioeconómicos, junto con la necesidad de abordar problemas de conectividad y desigualdades en el acceso a los recursos educativos. La i...
Monge Vera, Maryuri Mariela Villamagua Jiménez, Guiselly Maria Aroca Izurieta, Carlos Enrique Chico Guzmán, Bryan Alexander López Velasco, Jhon Eduardo
La investigación exploró las percepciones sobre el papel de la inteligencia artificial (IA) en la educación, centrándose en su capacidad para personalizar el aprendizaje y promover la equidad. Los resultados mostraron una diversidad de opiniones entre los participantes. Por un lado, hubo un reconocimiento del potencial de la IA para adaptar el cont...
Espinosa Cevallos, Paola Jaramillo Flores, Paulina
Digital education and cloud learning (C-learning) are transforming the current educational landscape. This systematic literature review examines the concept of C-learning and its applications in digital education. The overall objective was to review cloud learning and its uses in digital education. An exhaustive search was carried out in databases ...
Uzcátegui Pacheco, Ramón Alexander Ríos Colmenárez, María Janeth
This special issue of Areté, Revista Digital del Doctorado, dedicated to Education and Artificial Intelligence: threats, challenges and opportunities, includes 14 papers written by academics from various universities in Latin America, the texts highlight the current situation of the subject. In education, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has begun to p...
Val Fernández, Patricia
This article examines the evolving symbiosis between artificial intelligence and mathematics education in secondary education. Artificial intelligence has emerged as a valuable resource that transforms mathematics pedagogy by personalizing and enhancing the learning experience. First, we analyze how artificial intelligence enables the adaptation of...
Ramos Armijos, Diana Fernanda Ramos Armijos, Diego Geovanny Ramos Armijos, Nelson Jesús Tapia Puga, Viviana Magdalena Tapia Puga, Luis Israel
Este artículo aborda la integración de la inteligencia artificial (IA) en la evaluación educativa, buscando mejorar la eficacia y objetividad de los métodos tradicionales. La creciente complejidad de los sistemas educativos ha generado la necesidad de herramientas más avanzadas para evaluar el rendimiento de los estudiantes. El estudio tiene como ...
Llovet Díaz, Oihana
Personalizing learning enables 21st century learners to find personal meaning and value in what they learn. This article aims to contribute to the professional development of teachers through the definition and evaluation of a model of teaching competencies for personalization, defined by the following competences: curricular, activation of learnin...