Serry, Arnaud
Cet article aborde la notion de petit port maritime et les différentes caractéristiques qui le définissent. Il souligne que la définition d'un petit port peut varier en fonction du contexte et des critères pris en compte. La taille d'un port peut être relative, dépendant de la région et des ports environnants. La littérature scientifique se concent...
Peinado García, Alejandro Harguindéguy, Jean-Baptiste Cole, Alistair Jiménez Pérez, Francisco José Martínez Cousinou, Gloria
"Despite devolution, the United Kingdom possesses no mechanism to represent its four nations at the state level. Consequently, some peripheral actors use their state representative positions to ‘stand up’ for Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland. This paper explores this paradox by focussing on the descriptive and substantive representation of Wales...
Cai, Yingying De Smet, Hendrik
Published in
Frontiers in Communication
Isomorphism holds that, ideally, a single meaning is expressed by a single form. However, despite long-standing support, the theoretical viability of the isomorphic principle has been called into question. There is widespread recognition that the coexistence of (near-) synonymous expressions—variation—is actually very common in language. In this st...
Hertzog, Anne Michel, Basile Auclair, Elizabeth
International audience
Baudet-Michel, Sophie Delage, Matthieu Fromentin, Julie
La lutte contre la dévitalisation, notamment commerciale, des centres des villes petites et moyennes est au cœur des politiques Action cœur de ville et Petites villes de Demain. Cet article démontre que la dévi-talisation commerciale est moins systématique qu’il n’y paraît. En s’appuyant sur les données ouvertes de la base permanente des équipement...
Paeth, Linus Vogel, Lars
Published in
Politics in Central Europe
This paper examines how regional contextual factors influence Eurosceptic voting in Eastern Central and Western Europe. It employs a theoretical framework of multidimensional regional periphery and relative deprivation to explore how economic, spatial and demographic factors can generate collective feelings of deprivation among regional inhabitants...
shadar, hadas shach-pinsly, dalit
The article deals with community resilience-oriented urban renewal in a geographical periphery, and the characteristic patterns of public housing built in the 1950s and 1960s. When the existing fabric is well-established and effectively serves the residents, demolition and redevelopment may not be the most strategic approach if they undermine the i...
Baudet-Michel, Sophie Delage, Matthieu Fromentin, Julie
La lutte contre la dévitalisation, notamment commerciale, des centres des villes petites et moyennes est au cœur des politiques Action cœur de ville et Petites villes de demain. Cet article démontre que la dévitalisation commerciale est moins systématique qu’il n’y paraît. En s’appuyant sur les données ouvertes de la base permanente des équipements...
Márquez Díaz, Sandra Pardo Montaño, Ana Melisa
This research focuses about habitability, specifically the case of the Metropolitan Area of the Valley of Mexico. The dynamics within this area, which is made up by municipalities from three states, highlight the differences between Mexico City and the rest of municipalities in the conurbation, especially the disparities in equipment and access to ...
Yanes Mesa, Julio Antonio
This paper aims to expose a methodological proposal to open the contents of the classic historical syntheses on Spanish journalism, limited to the most developed enclaves, to the entire national territory. To justify its approach, we have started from the gaps and misunderstandings suffered by the most peripheral area of the country, the Canary Isl...