Cao, Zhen Aharonian, F Axikegu, M Bai, Y.X Bao, Y.W Bastieri, D Bi, X.J Bi, Y.J Bian, W Bukevich, A.V
The KM2A is the largest sub-array of the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO). It consists of 5216 electromagnetic particle detectors (EDs) and 1188 muon detectors (MDs). The data recorded by the EDs and MDs are used to reconstruct primary information of cosmic ray and gamma-ray showers. This information is used for physical analysis...
Grosu, Veronica Petrescu, Corina Ciubotariu, Marius-Sorin
Recent economic instability has heightened the need for companies to be aware of the threats in their internal and external environments and the impact these have on their performance capacity. Thus, this paper aims to identify the most impactful factors on the performance of small and medium-sized enterprises engaged in manufacturing activities in...
Šlapeta, Jan Vande Velde, Fiona Martínez-Valladares, María Canton, Candela Claerebout, Edwin Gilleard, John Stuart
Published in
Trends in parasitology
The management of parasitic nematodes calls for a shift from conventional, indiscriminate, anthelmintic use to a more precise approach, directed by diagnostics. We should accept those parasite infection intensities that have minimal impact on production and welfare rather than attempt to eliminate them. The diagnostic toolbox for gastrointestinal n...
Mali, Sanjay D Shah, Pinkesh R Shah, Divyang R
Published in
Engineering Research Express
The increasing concerns about energy security and environmental sustainability have intensified the search for alternative fuels. This study investigates the performance and emission characteristics of a dual-fuel diesel engine utilizing purified biogas and diesel across various compression ratios. A single-cylinder, direct-injection, water-cooled,...
Macquet, Adrian Dal Canton, Tito Regimbau, Tania
Einstein Telescope (ET) is a project of third generation gravitational wave (GW) detector with a planned sensitivity 10 times better than current detectors such as Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo. The high rate of GW signals expected in the data will pose several data analysis challenges, like the ability to disentangle overlapping signals or the ...
Chan, Man Leong McIver, Jess Mahabal, Ashish Messick, Cody Haggard, Daryl Raza, Nayyer Lecoeuche, Yannick Sutton, Patrick J. Ewing, Becca Di Renzo, Francesco
Published in
The Astrophysical Journal
Electromagnetic follow-up observations of gravitational wave events offer critical insights and provide significant scientific gain from this new class of astrophysical transients. Accurate identification of gravitational wave candidates and rapid release of sky localization information are crucial for the success of these electromagnetic follow-up...
novotný, vít
Tato bakalářská práce je věnována vývoji paralelních algoritmů pro operace sčítání a odčítání s řídkými maticemi a hustými maticemi. Tato práce obsahuje implementaci GPU kernel funkcí se strukturami Template Numerical Library a CUDA C++, společně s metodikami a nástroji při jejich tvorbě. Všechny algoritmy byly testovány, aby byla zajištěna jejich ...
Rousseau, Céleste Stiegler, Barbara
Published in
Frontiers in Psychology
Introduction In the late 1990s, evidence-based medicine (EBM) emerged, emphasizing the conscientious use of current best evidence in medicine and ensuring the best care for each individual. Thus, applying evidence-based practice (EBP) in physiotherapy is complex due to sparse research, distinct challenges, and unsuitable tools. This is particularly...
Peiró, José M. Bravo-Duarte, Felipe González-Anta, Baltasar Todolí-Signes, Adrián
Published in
Frontiers in Organizational Psychology
Introduction Digitalization and the pandemic have transformed work, increasing flexibility, and remote arrangements. A critical factor in these transformations' success is supervisors' competencies. Consequently, new tools for assessing supervisory performance are required, particularly considering subordinates' evaluations. This study investigates...
Willis, Simone Mellick, Mikel Neil, Rich Wasley, David
Published in
Frontiers in Psychology
Introduction Professional classical musicians operate within a highly demanding environment, which includes organizational, social, and emotional demands. When not effectively coped with, these demands may cause stress and negatively impact well-being. This qualitative study explored the perceived stress and well-being experiences of professional c...