Scott, James C.
Trying to address a series of large questions—e.g., when peasants rebel, clandestine forms of resistance, state “imagination,” and the origin of the very first agrarian states—led me to abandon much of the standard political science “tool kit.” This is an account of that intellectual journey. [James C. Scott died on July 19, 2024, just days before ...
Morales de Casas, María del Socorro Márquez Linares, Marco Antonio Sánchez Ortiz, Eduardo
Objective: To learn from the viewpoint of rainfed bean producers in northern Mexico about their socioeconomic dynamics and to identify the factors that affect their vulnerability, taking the Llanos region in the State of Durango as a reference. Methodology: The research was approached from a qualitative approach using the phenomenological method, e...
Vázquez García, Verónica Martínez Vásquez, Esteban
Mexico occupies first place in mining exploration in Latin America, a situation that has caused alarm among native peoples because the implementation of extractive projects threatens their vital space. The objective of this paper is to analyze the actions of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of the Ixtaca Project in Ixtacamaxtitlán, Puebla, as ...
Godoy, Analía A.
Medieval rural communities in Castile and Leon were socially unequal communities as a consequence of legal, economic-patrimonial factors, and others related to position in the hierarchy and feudal society. This paper examines the concessions obtained through documented agreements in the Castilian-Leonese area that allowed certain dependents to eith...
Guillibert, Paul
Le penseur marxiste péruvien José Carlos Mariátegui fait partie de ceux qui ont pris au sérieux le rôle révolutionnaire des paysans. Lors de la première conférence internationale des Partis communistes d’Amérique latine en juin 1929 à Buenos Aires, Mariátegui présente ses positions sur la centralité du système de propriété agraire dans l’exploitati...
Quintana Morraja, Àngel
L'acollida crítica de l'Alcarràs de Carla Simón va servir per parlar de la moda del neoruralisme i de la manera com la cineasta va utilitzar mètodes propers al neorealisme. Els llocs comuns desmereixen el treball estilístic de la pel·lícula i cal preguntar-se de què parlem quan parlem tant de neoruralisme com de neorealisme. Per respondre aquestes ...
Guillibert, Paul Renault, Matthieu Farjat, Juliette Monferrand, Frédéric
On considère généralement que Marx n’a jamais envisagé le monde rural que comme un archaïsme condamné par le progrès de l’histoire. L’objectif de cet article est de problématiser cette idée, en examinant les différentes tensions qui travaillent la réflexion de Marx sur la terre et les paysans. Nous montrons que deux découvertes complémentaires le c...
Castillo Amorocho, Wilmar Harley
The Colombian peasantry, organized in the National Agrarian Coordinator (CNA), is committed to organize the territory from its own territorial figure with a focus on popular power. The territorial figure is known as Territorio Campesino Agroalimentario (TECA), based on the Plan de Vida Digna, the peasant organization and its own governance capacity...
Jover Avellà, Gabriel
La crisis bajo medieval produjo intensos procesos de acumulación de tierras, atribuidos generalmente a la acción de grupos sociales ajenos al mundo rural, a la nobleza y el patriciado urbano, agentes que imprimieron desde arriba y desde fuera una nueva racionalidad a la economía agraria. Sin embargo, como reivindicó M. Bloch, en esta precoz acumula...
Cindrea-Nagy, Iuliana
Published in
Review of Ecumenical Studies Sibiu
This study concerns the issue of monastic incarceration of members of the Old Calendarist Orthodox Church in interwar Romania. The practice of incarcerating individuals in Orthodox monasteries was common across Orthodox Eastern Europe, especially in Imperial Russia. Even though this constitutes a neglected aspect of Romanian history, monastic incar...