Santis, Ligia de Noronha, Ana Paula Porto
Historically, studies on parenting were mostly based on maternal reports, generating uncertainties about its conclusions. Inverting this logic, in Brazil, the Inventory of Father Involvement (originally developed in the USA to assess men) was improved and adapted for mothers, generating the Inventory of Father and Mother Involvement (IFMI). The IFM...
Veloza Morales, Martha Cecilia Forero Beltrán, Elcy Rodríguez González, Jenny Carmiña
Given the existence of different types of families, and with the aim of understanding the meaning that human beings give to the diverse expressions of family that currently exist, a qualitative narrative study using semi-structured interviews was carried out. Members of 3 different types of families participated: homoparental, families with childre...
González Viveros, María Constanza Jaramillo-Sierra, Ana Lucía Vargas Trujillo, Elvia
Abstract: The role distribution in couples in which fathers are the primary caregivers for their children while mothers are the primary breadwinners, typically transgresses traditional gender norms and challenges the identities of men and women. This article presents the results of identity reconfiguration processes in men from seven heterosexual c...
Gonçalves Alves, Paola Boeckel, Mariana Gonçalves
This study aims to understand the conceptions of paternity of men who respond to a legal process under the Maria da Penha Law. Three online focus groups were held, totalizing 21 participants. As a result of the Thematic Analysis, four main themes were obtained: Paternity and Gender, Educate, Fathers and their Fathers and Remarkable Moments. There w...
de Sousa Gama, Andréa de Assis Oliveira, Ana Clara Cardoso Henriques, Cristiane
The article analyzes academic production on maternity/paternity and parental leave in dealing with conflicts between paid work and family responsibilities, in a comparative perspective. Conducts bibliographic research in the main national databases and international journals in the field of gender studies and public policies. It discusses the resul...
Toiber Rodríguez, Marla Naiví Mancillas Bazán, Celia Montero Pardo, Xolyanetzin Díaz, Daniel Sánchez Báez, Ramón Pardo Benítez, María Guadalupe Aguilar Delgadillo, Cintia
The objective of this paper was to analyze the construction of fatherhood in adolescents who are in conflict with the law through an exploratory and qualitative study. Life stories were developed using the in-depth interview technique. The sample consisted of four adolescents in conflict with the law. Through interpretative content analysis, we obt...
Paraventi, Larissa Duarte de Souza, Carolina Koltermann, João Paulo Vieira, Mauro Luis
Maternal Gatekeeping is an important factor to consider when assessing the closeness and quality of the father’s relationship with his children. It consists of maternal beliefs and behaviors that can facilitate or hinder paternal involvement with the child. Among several factors that affect these maternal behaviors is the father’s personality. As f...
Arévalo Venegas, C.E. Castiblanco López, Nubia
Introduction: The implementation processes in the accompaniment of women in birth labor in Colombian institutions are deficient and without solid support in nursing theories, however, as the world progresses, new fathers seek to be involved in the birth of their child. Objective: To understand the experience of fathers who experienced the birth of ...
Backes, Mariana Schubert Bolze, Simone Dill Azeredo Vieira, Mauro Luís Crepaldi, Maria Aparecida
This study at investigating the relationship between father’s emotional attachment, parental involvement and openness to the world, in the perspective of the father of children. The participants were 171 parents of children between 4 and 6 years of age. The research instruments of the study were: a Sociodemographic Questionnaire, the Paternal Invol...
Arrais, Ana L. Vieira-Santos, Salomé
Resumo Pretende-se averiguar se o estresse parental e o apoio social contribuem para o envolvimento paterno (EP), e analisar a relação desse envolvimento com variáveis sociodemográficas (pai/criança). Participaram do estudo 92 homens, pais de crianças em idade escolar (6 a 9 anos). Utilizou-se a Escala de Envolvimento Paterno e as adaptações portug...