Dos Santos, Javier
El objetivo del presente artículo es ofrecer un análisis de los esfuerzos que la reacción eclesiástica anti-ilustrada y contrarrevolucionaria, así como ciertos sectores del establishment médico hispano emprendieron a finales del siglo XVIII para fijar y definir una comprensión médico-teológica del ser humano acorde a los postulados católicos tradic...
Carrasco Conde, Ana
The figure of Medea, woman and foreigner, is the common thread through which is analyzed the passion of anger from the classical tradition, which rejects it as a destructive passion, to the appropriation made by Lorde's North American black feminism. To do this, first the article analyzes the vocabulary related to anger and rage in Greek and Latin....
Rivero, Yelitza
This article presents some considerations on the mind-body relationship in Cartesian philosophy that allow us to glimpse what Descartes understands by human nature. For this, I show how the teaching of nature and the passions show us that the affections produced in the soul by the material world are undeniable and fundamental, because the informati...
Schumacher, Lydia
The medieval Franciscan John Duns Scotus famously distinguished between two different wills, which are characterized by an affection for advantage or happiness and an affection for justice. He identified the source of his theory in the earlier medieval thinker, Anselm of Canterbury, who first articulated the distinction. This article will demonstra...
Lopes, Joyce do Nascimento
Resumen A partir de la semiótica francesa, pretendemos analizar el plano expresivo de la película brasileña Elena (2012), dirigida por Petra Costa. Basada en hechos de la vida de la directora, la obra es una experiencia íntima y personal que materializa su relación con la memoria de su hermana, Elena, cuya historia estuvo marcada por un trágico hec...
Velasco Estrada, Jaime
Resumen: El presente artículo propone una lectura de Cerrazón sobre Nicomaco. Ficción harto doliente (1946), nouvelle de Efrén Hernández, a partir de Filosofía y poesía (1939) de María Zambrano. En la obra de Hernández, el narrador y protagonista se debate entre dos posturas para afrontar su dolor: una que podría considerarse de índole filosófica y...
Schere, María Jimena
The work intends to analyze the representa-tion of anger in Menandro’s comedy and, in particular, the operation of ‘typification’ of anger in his work, which is linked to the construction of type-characters. We adopt as a theoretical framework some guidelines of the Aristotelian conception of the passions and of social constructivism. In this frame...
Ramírez Beltrán, Julián
The epistolary relationship that emergesbetween Elizabeth of Bohemia and RenéDescartes, in the past, used to be visited andexamined as a reading strategy that wouldseek to clarify and explain the premises ofCartesian and mechanical philosophy. Despitethis, the princess palatine stated a criticalvision on how the soul of the human beingcan be determ...
Mattei, Eugenia
Resumen En el presente artículo se analiza la presencia de polaridades pasionales en El arte de la guerra de Nicolás Maquiavelo. Primero, se analiza de modo sucinto los frescos de Ambrogio Lorenzetti que se encuentran en el Palacio Comunal de Siena, poniendo particular atención en las presencias de la guerra y la paz para realizar posteriormente ...
Alfonzo, Bruno D.
In the last Euripidean play to be performed while the poet was still alive, Oedipus is presented locked up for almost the entire tragic action, prey to an irrational anguish that corrodes him and must finally be atoned for by the traditional exile. This paper seeks to explain the use of confinement in this play, Phoenissae, in order to unravel its ...