Ambrosewicz, Lisa Hagedorn-Holthausen, Jane Tempel, Günter
Published in
Public Health Forum
Um Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention in Wohnquartieren anzusetzen, wo insbesondere viele Menschen in sozioökonomisch prekären Verhältnissen leben, ist es unabdingbar Strukturen und Netzwerke aufzubauen. Durch das Projekt „Kommunaler Strukturaufbau“ und die damit verbundene Netzwerkarbeit können gesundheitsrelevante Themen der Wohnquartiere direkt...
Köckler, Heike Rüdiger, Andrea
Published in
Public Health Forum
Stadtplanung bietet vielfältige Möglichkeiten um gesundheitsbezogene Belange zu berücksichtigen und somit einen Beitrag zu Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention zu leisten. Die partizipative Funktionweise räumlicher Planung sieht vor, dass Träger öffentlicher Belange und die Öffentlichkeit Interessen in Planungsprozesse einbringen. Damit dies im Sinn...
Plantz, Christina Tollmann, Patricia Boos, Rabea Mekel, Odile Mensing, Monika Moser, Julia Sammet, Torben
Published in
Public Health Forum
Der StadtRaumMonitor kann ein hilfreiches Tool zur Etablierung sektorübergreifender und beteiligungsorientierter Arbeit in Kommunen darstellen. Als Bedarfserhebungstool nach dem Health in All Policies-Ansatz bezieht es die Menschen aktiv in die Bewertung ihrer Lebensumgebung ein. Anhand qualitativer und quantitativer Bewertungen können Handlungsbed...
Erhel, Christine Guergoat-Larivière, Mathilde Mofakhami, Malo
Flexible working time arrangements (FWTA) have increased over the last decades, favored by labor market deregulation, the decentralization of collective bargaining and the development of new technologies. The negative impact of some non-standard working hours on health (like night work, shift work) is quite well-known but other forms of FWTA have b...
Behrendt, Brigitte
Published in
ABI Technik
Dieser Artikel beschreibt die Transformation der Zentralbibliothek von einem Baudenkmal zu einer Bibliothek der Zukunft. Die Qualitäten des Denkmals, die bauliche Vision und innovative Bibliothekskonzeption, die großzügige finanzielle Förderung sowie ein mutiges, engagiertes, kreativ und kooperativ arbeitendes Team aus Architekten, Bauherren und de...
Bascharon, Randa Sethi, Nitin K Estevez, Ryan Gordon, Mark Guevara, Carlo Twohey, Eric deWeber, Kevin
Published in
The Physician and sportsmedicine
The Association of Ringside Physicians (ARP) is committed to the concept of fair competition. It advocates for two equally skilled and matched athletes to keep bouts fair, competitive, entertaining, and, most importantly, safe for all combatants. Numerous studies have proven that transgender women may have a competitive athletic advantage against o...
Mualam, Nir
Published in
Frontiers in Sustainable Cities
In the age of technological acceleration, new digital shifts and the increased use of ICT have changed the ways we work, live, sleep, and shop. Remarkable transformations have left footprints in the planning world as well, with many urban planners harnessing technology to improve and expedite planning processes. This process accelerated further dur...
Bertills, Karin Björk, Maria
Published in
Frontiers in Sports and Active Living
Introduction The objective of this study is to describe how Physical Education (PE) teachers work to facilitate participation for students with disability in compulsory, mainstream inclusive, secondary school. Inclusive school-based Physical Education (PE) is an important context for students to share the benefits of physical activities with peers,...
Girma, Gonche Shimeles, Abebaw Abate, Tensaye Berhanu, Deginet Alemayehu, Asabeneh Belachew, Azmera
Published in
Frontiers in Forests and Global Change
Woodfuel production and consumption have been a concern for multiple stakeholders involved in household energy use, deforestation, and climate change. While research into the underlying decision-making process is growing, it remains insufficient. Such a study offers opportunities to develop policies that enable diversification of household energy c...
Denk, Albert
Published in
Frontiers in Political Science
The aim of this article is to highlight and conceptualize key aspects of social closures that impact the German nuclear waste management case. According to the German legislator, the public must be involved in the search for a final repository for high-level radioactive waste. De facto, however, almost the entire population of Germany is excluded. ...