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Morales-De Casas, María del Socorro Márquez-Linares, Marco Antonio Sánchez-Ortiz, Eduardo
Resumen Objetivo: Conocer, desde la óptica de los productores de frijol de secano del norte de México, su dinámica socioeconómica e identificar los factores que inciden en su vulnerabilidad, tomando como referencia la región de los Llanos en el Estado de Durango. Metodología: La investigación parte de un enfoque cualitativo mediante el método fenom...
Morales de Casas, María del Socorro Márquez Linares, Marco Antonio Sánchez Ortiz, Eduardo
Objective: To learn from the viewpoint of rainfed bean producers in northern Mexico about their socioeconomic dynamics and to identify the factors that affect their vulnerability, taking the Llanos region in the State of Durango as a reference. Methodology: The research was approached from a qualitative approach using the phenomenological method, e...
Cancino Garín, Begoña
Analysis from the Mexican legal angle about the recurring cultural appropri-ation cases of indigenous heritage by companies immersed in the fashion industry and the associated risk of cultural identity loss, in view of the new legal landscape recognizing these rights as collective property of indigenous communities emerges in Mexico, and with it, t...
Porteiro Chouciño, Ana María
One of the most outstanding characteristics of Lope de Vega´s pastoral comedies is the predominance of the words over the action. Even though the six works that make up this genre in the Fénix´s productions show different examples of this condition, La pastoral de Jacinto bases its comedy of errors on verbal constructions consisting of a series of ...