Overabundance and the PCFP
International audience
International audience
Published in Cognitive Linguistics
This study of morphological overabundance focuses on the (non-)synonymy of parallel forms in Estonian illative case (‘into’) and the type of entrenchment behind it. We focus on the lexical level, testing whether the form preferred for a lexeme depends on semantic or morphophonological factors, or both. Using multifactorial regression analyses, we c...
A la hora de abordar los fenómenos sociales en una época caracterizada por el individualismo, que vuelve frágiles las relaciones afectivas y que exacerba bajo el egoísmo, el consumo y la competencia la desafiliación social; subsiste una tensión estéril entre la razón y emoción en la cual se suele privilegiar más al primero que al segundo. Por esto ...
Ungulate populations have surged to unsustainable levels in multiple areas in recent decades due to human intervention, making forestry and conservation practices arduous. The population of ungulates is also currently displaying a rising trend in Hungary, prompting decision-makers to commence substantial reduction efforts. Our study examined the un...
Published in STUF - Language Typology and Universals
The goal of this paper is to recharacterize the distribution of two suffixes in Common Turkic, the reflexive -(I)n and the reciprocal -(I)š. Despite having quite distinct sources (the former as a suffix employed in the derivation of intransitive verbs, the latter a plural marker), these two suffixes have fallen into a somewhat overlapping distribut...
Published in Cognitive Linguistics
The current study investigates how native speakers of a morphologically complex language (Finnish) handle uncertainty related to linguistic forms that have gaps in their inflectional paradigms. We analyze their strategies of dealing with paradigmatic defectivity and how these strategies are motivated by subjective contemporaneousness, frequency, ac...
Mule deer were first introduced to Santa Catalina Island, California, in the early 1930s and persist today. Other feral, non-native ungulates have been eradicated (goats, pigs) or significantly reduced in numbers (bison) over the past two decades. Effective management of the deer population is necessary to protect the island’s biodiversity but is d...
Published in Conservation biology : the journal of the Society for Conservation Biology
一些有蹄类动物种群数量的飞速增长在农林业领域日益受到关注, 因为其种群数量过多可能会对自然环境和人类生计产生负面影响。然而, 社会公众对于猎杀野生动物以减少数量来减轻其影响的做法可能存在负面看法。我们通过选择实验在线调查, 确定了西班牙公民 (n = 190) 对西班牙两个农林复合经营的国家公园中与有蹄类数量过多负面影响 (对植被及其它野生动物的负面作用、向家畜传播疾病) 有关的野生动物种群控制措施的偏好性。我们在空间模型中使用潜在类别和支付意愿分析了调查结果, 结果显示, 百分之二的受访者认为, 即便缺少管理可能导致环境退化, 国家公园中也不应进行人为干预; 而百分之九十五的受访者则赞成采取措施来减少因有蹄类动物数量过多造成的破坏。我们估计, 当鹿群数量过多造成的环境可持续影响转变为不可持...
Published in Conservation biology : the journal of the Society for Conservation Biology
善待野生动物及动物福利问题已成为保护中的一个重要话题, 但人们对于如何最好地保护野生动物并提升其福利有不同的伦理观点。其中, 应用于野生食草动物保护管理中的结果论伤害伦理框架有很多优势。为了在实现保护目标的同时尽量减少伤害, 我们认为许多情况下可以通过消费性的就地捕杀过剩的野生食草动物, 以进行管理。这项政策的好处在于:动物只在很短的时间内处于不良福利状态、剩下的动物仍享有较好的福利 (如养育后代方面) 、避免了过剩种群中较差的动物福利情况 (如饥饿) 、防止了其它物种的福利因资源耗竭而遭受负面影响 (如竞争) 、肉类的获得可以减少饲养的农业食用动物的数量, 且能以最低成本最大程度地为其它野生动物管理和保护优先问题供给资金。这个结果论框架伦理学的替代方法有道义论 (包括动物权利) 和美德伦理...
Published in Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory
If we can operationalize corpus frequency in multiple ways, using absolute values and proportional values, which of them is more closely connected with the behaviour of language users? In this contribution, we examine overabundant cells in morphological paradigms, and look at the contribution that frequency of occurrence can make to understanding t...