Škrubej, Katja
Prispevek najprej opiše pomen starih domačih diahrono pomensko stabilnih pravnih izrazov kot vira za preučevanje poimenovanih realij, in sicer na primeru najstarejših zabeležb članov besedne družine soditi, zbranih ob sistematičnem pregledu najstarejših virov v slovenskem jeziku (Brižinski spomeniki, srednjeveški rokopisi, Dalmatinova Biblija in na...
Odhner Källgård, Rebecka
This study aims to explore and understand middle school English teachers’ perceptions of oral English teaching, particularly in terms of what factors affect students’ willingness or ability to participate in oral activities during English lessons. The study also identifies and analyzes the methods and teaching strategies that English teachers use t...
Vélez Barreto, Gema Nathaly Mendoza Saltos, Rider Eloy
Correct English pronunciation is essential when communicating for international academic exchange, business, education, etc. In foreign language teaching, one of the elements of the oral skill that should be taught in lessons is pronunciation. In Ecuador, though, there is always a call to improve the students’ acquisition of their oral communicativ...
Peña Mella, Javiera Hebe Moral Barrigüete, Cristina del
It is well known the importance of developing oral communication in young people for their participation in society through spaces for social interaction oriented with the use of didactic strategies. The main of this research is to analyze the participation of secondary students in the development of oral communication in the subject of Language an...
Green, Jennie Petersson, Wilma
Engelskämnet ska bidra till att elever förbereds och utvecklar kunskaper för att kunna verka i ett globalt sammanhang. Elevers upplevelser av att verbalt kommunicera i engelskklassrummet påverkar deras språk- och kunskapsutveckling. Många elever upplever oroskänslor över att bli utpekade när de talar engelska som främmande språk. Studien har därmed...
Bešter, Marja
V prispevku so predstavljeni rezultati ankete, v kateri je sodelovalo več kot 600 mladih. Odgovarjali so na vprašanja o rabi zbornega jezika pri ustnem sporočanju in o težavah, ki jih imajo pri tem, ter osvojem odnosu do zborne govorice.
Sirlopú Vera, Estrella de Jesús Marrufo Rojas, Diana Rosa Ortega Cabrejos, Mónica Ysabel
The fundamental purpose of learning English is to communicate, whether to access a job, for tourism, or to be at the forefront of the latest scientific advances published in this language. Unfortunately, in the educational model used in Peru, some deficiencies impede its development due to a lack of clarity regarding the method or approach used to ...
Andersson, Linda Roynezon, Nathalie
Tidigare forskning har visat att det finns ett samband mellan elevers förståelse för det formella matematiska språket och deras färdigheter i ämnet. Det är därför nödvändigt att lärare använder och undervisar om det formella matematiska språket i sin kommunikation i klassrummet. Avsikten med studien var att synliggöra i vilken utsträckning matemati...
Delgado Castro, María Nathaly
This work is based on reading as a communication strategy, taking into account that it must be read in the classroom so that students have verbal fluency in their interventions and daily activities within their educational work. The objective of this research was to know the importance of developing reading habits through the promotion of reading i...
Dubal, Stéphanie Beaucousin, Virginie
Après une histoire des émotions largement jalonnée de théories opposant l’émotion à la raison, le champ de la psychologie et des neurosciences de l’affectivité a renouvelé les positionnement conceptuels et théoriques pour proposer une émotion intrinsèquement cognitive. Au niveau cérébral, les modèles reposant sur une compétition impliquant une supp...