We can learn from nature that, next to chemistry, surface structures can be used for tuning different functions of surfaces. In this thesis we present a novel fabrication method using colloidal templating on the air/water interface. Two distinct ways to obtain nanopatterned surfaces are described, namely (i) addition of PDMS on top of the colloidal...
The aim of this thesis is to explore orientation of detection elements on biosensor surfaces. To this end, different strategies were combined such as surface chemistry and protein functionalization, with the aim to generate a platform for oriented immobilization of antibodies in biosensors. Chapter 2 investigates the formation of organic monolayers...
Gives a presentation of transport phenomena or continuum mechanics focused on momentum, energy, and mass transfer at interfaces. This work includes a discussion of transport phenomena at common lines or three-phase lines of contact, and a theory for the extension of continuum mechanics to the nanoscale region immediately adjacent to the interface.
Volatilisation of pesticides from the crop can be an important emission pathway to the environment. A computation module was developed for making estimates on this emission. However, various input data for this module are not measured directly in registration procedures, so they have to be estimated from theory or from a diversity of experimental d...
To provide the basis for an improved quantitative risk assessment of heavy metals in the environment, the interactions between the metal ions and the biogeo-surfaces in soil and water were studied using both experimental and modelling approaches.The Donnan membrane technique was developed and optimised for the measurement of metal speciation in so...
Om de kosten zo laag mogelijk te houden is op het lagekostenbedrijf een proef begonnen met kunststof grasplaten. Dit materiaal is goedkoper maar moet zijn bruikbaarheid in de landbouw nog bewijzen.
The research described in this thesis covers a number of aspects of the relation between surface properties and foaming properties of proteins, low molecular surfactants and mixtures thereof. This work is the result of a question of the industrial partners if it is possible to understand the foaming properties of protein hydrolysates. As there are ...
Traditioneel is door hydrologen en micrometeorologen aan verdamping in de zomer meer aandacht gegeven dan aan verdamping in de winter. Dit is te verklaren uit het grote belang dat de landbouw heeft bij het juist voorspellen van vochttekorten in de zomer in verband met mogelijke opbrengstdalingen. De winter is echter de belangrijkste periode voor aa...