Abraham, AvrahAdjoumane, Marcellin Manzan AndréAli, Atifvan den Bergh, JustineDavid-Mauduit, PacômeDas, AshmitaDinh, Hong Huyvan der Doorn, LauraGegout, LaylaHa, Hoang Hieu
Many innovations have been developed as a response to the challenges of COVID-19 to make cities more green, resilient and inclusive. In these complex urban systems, solutions must be made taking into consideration how they affect the wider context. Each solution is a vital piece in the puzzle, and together they enable people and ideas to come toget...
Bodem bestaat uit fysische, chemische en biologische eigenschappen, die elkaar onderling beïnvloeden. Tot nu toe wordt de toestand van de bodem meestal afgelezen aan de fysisch-chemische eigenschappen. Door toenemend inzicht in het bodemleven kunnen nu ook gaan nadenken over hoe bodembiodiversiteit kan bijdragen aan de maatschappelijke opgaven voor...
In dit project is samen met betrokken partijen uit Amsterdam gezocht naar geschikte locaties om de stad te vergroenen met een buurttuin of postzegelpark. Uit eerder onderzoek weten we dat zulke kleine groene plekken vaak vele baten met zich meebrengen die ruimschoots opwegen tegen de kosten. Zo speelt het stadsgroen een rol bij het verminderen van ...
Greenery in and around houses and apartments is good for the (living) environment in and around the buildings. It has a positive effect on the health and general well-being of residents and visitors. This document provides information on how homes and well-being can benefit from greenery, including references to scientific literature. It concludes ...
Greenery in and around nursing homes, hospitals and other clinics is good for the climate inside and outside the building, and has a positive effect on patient’s state of mind and ability to recover, as well as the general well-being of patients, staff and visitors. This document provides information on the benefits of greenery for recovery and wel...
Greenery in and around houses and apartments is good for the (living) environment in and around the buildings. It has a positive effect on the health and general well-being of residents and visitors. This document provides information on how homes and well-being can benefit from greenery, including references to scientific literature. It concludes ...