Janecki, Piotr
Rozprawa poświęcona jest zagadnieniu ochrony danych osobowych pracowników w świetle polskiego i niemieckiego prawa pracy. Uwzględnia ona zmiany zachodzące w obu systemach prawnych podyktowane Rozporządzeniem Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27.04.2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowy...
Kucharski, Leszek Chmielecki, Błażej
Marginal habitats (ecological islands), i.e. areas of land isolated by natural or artificial means from the surrounding land and not in agricultural use, fulfil an important function in agricultural landscape. They include linear objects, such as balks, boundary strips, paths and side spaces, forest edges, or river and stream banks, as well as non-...
Burski, Radosław
Rozprawa doktorska zatytułowana: Karnoprawna ochrona wolności prasy zawiera analizę szeregu przepisów ustawy Prawo prasowe (Dz. U. 1984 Nr 5 poz. 24 ze zm.), które penalizują czyny w postaci: zmuszania dziennikarza, utrudniania lub tłumienia krytyki prasowej oraz odwetu za opublikowaną krytykę prasową. Rozważania poświęcone wymienionym występkom po...
Jaworowicz-Rudolf, Agnieszka
The author analyzes issues of the constitutional commitment of public authorities to care for the quality of the environment, taking into account future generations. She indicates that the concept of ecological security has not been specified explicitly by the legislator, and the views formulating the right to ecological safety are considered dispu...
Piguła, Ewelina
The issue of Consumer Protection is a key factor in the Development of Modern Economy. The market was under the influence of the Financial Services Consumer Protection, because a significant role is also played by their behavior. It is very important, but customer safety and the effects of their decisions. To provide consumers with effective and ef...
Buczyński, Paweł Przewoźny, Marek Pakulnicka, Joanna Buczyńska, Edyta Dawidowicz, Łukasz Wagner, Grzegorz
Published in
Annales UMCS, Biologia
The authors discuss the material collected in the Suwalski Landscape Park in the years 2009 and 2011–2013, almost exclusively obtained from standing waters. At 29 study sites, 1 204 individuals representing 109 species from 12 families were caught, of which 55 species have been recorded for the first time in the examined area. The most valuable wer...
Kucharski, Leszek Barcka, Aleksandra Chmielecki, Błażej
This study investigates the flora of 20 oxbow lakes in the Warta valley near Uniejów, ten of which are situated between the river-bed and the flood embankment, and ten are behind the flood bank. 152 plant species have been identified in the studied area: 112 within the embankment, and 148 outside of it. The plants include Nymphaea alba, Lemna gibba...
Boczkaj, Grzegorz
Raciborski, Marian (1863-1917)
Dąbkowska, Irena (1901-1943)