Rubus subgen. Rubus (bramble) is one of the large plant genera in Europe, consisting of only a few sexual biological species and at least 700 apomictic lineages. In this thesis, it is argued that the stabilised apomict lineages should best be regarded species, even if their distribution area doesn’t meet the requirements of a regional species as de...
De KringloopToets beoogt nutriëntenstromen in beeld te brengen. In beleidsstukken wordt het sluiten van kringlopen op de schaal van Noordwest-Europa regelmatig genoemd; vaak zonder duidelijke afbakening van wat het sluiten van kringlopen betekent. Provincie Noord-Brabant, ZLTO en BMF hebben samen met Wageningen Universiteit & Research een modelmati...
De Mey, V.Verhoeven, J.T.W.Thoelen, P.van Dam, J.E.G.Meyskens, S.Schik, W.
The objective of the Northwest European project Grow2build is to support the supply chain of flax and hemp building materials from production of raw material to the production and implementation of end products. Up until now, 11 organisations from Belgium, France, the UK, Germany and the Netherlands have formed a consortium with a wealth of experti...
In the northwestern part of Europe, many surface waters suffer from eutrophication through diffuse losses of nutrients from agriculture to surface water and relatively high nitrate concentrations in groundwater in nitrate vulnerable zones. A lot of research and policy has been devised to decrease these losses. The northwestern European countries (D...
Welke factoren beïnvloeden de frequentie van de ziekten in wilde populaties? Het promotieonderzoek van Daniel Goedbloed beoordeelde de invloed van demografische, genetische en omgevingsfactoren op de frequentie van twee infectieziekten in Noordwest-Europese wilde zwijnen populaties.
One of the objectives of the Interreg IVB project Biochar: Climate Saving Soils is to assess the amount of available biomass that could be used for the production of biochar. In this publication the authors give an impression of the amounts of biomass available for pyrolysis.
The dairy sector is an important contributor to food production, economic activity and land use in the European Union. Grazing has long been a traditional element of dairy farming in the EU. Current developments in the dairy sector appear to result in a decline in grazing. The World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) is concerned about th...
Lesschen, J.P.van der Kolk, J.W.H.van Dijk, K.C.Willemse, J.
This study assessed which options are available for closing the feed-manure phosphorus cycle in agriculture and their contribution to the reduction of the P surplus and P use efficiency. This was assessed at a national scale for the Netherlands as well as a regional scale for Northwest Europe. No export of animal products, with as a consequence the...