Zamora, Eliana Vanesa Introzzi, Isabel Valle, Macarena Verónica del Aydmune, Yesica Richard's, María Marta
In this study, a modified variant of the Affective Simon Task (De Houwer & Eelen, 1998) was used in children and adolescents. Thus, we designed a task in which the participants had to respond choosing a happy or sad face depending on whether the figure presented on the screen was an object or an animal, ignoring its affective valence (positive or n...
Notejane Iglesias, Martín Arce, Manuel Vila, Eugenia Solano, Mayra García, Loreley Giachetto Larraz, Gustavo Garaza, Sabrina Pereira, Andrés Tarigo, Sebastián Giordano, Leandro
Introducción: Sulfato de magnesio (MgSO4) y aminofilina son broncodilatadores intravenosos utilizados en el tratamiento de niños con broncoobstrucción (BO). La evidencia disponible para recomendar su uso es escasa. Objetivo: Caracterizar el perfil de uso y la respuesta terapéutica al MgSO4 y aminofilina en el tratamiento de la BO en niños hospitali...
Garcés Guevara, José Alberto
Introducción: en 2016, aproximadamente 55 millones de pacientes en todo el mundo sufrieron lesiones oculares. La carga de sufrimiento tras las lesiones oculares es muy alta, sobre todo por las consecuencias de estas lesiones, que son en gran parte responsables de la ceguera monocular. Objetivo: sistematizar los referentes teóricos sobre el trauma o...
Estrella Castillo, Damaris Francis Aké Palomo, Gabriela González Mijangos, Azucena Góngora Meza, Luis Felipe
Introduction. Social cartography involves children in identifying community needs and resources, transforming healthcare. Objective. To employ social cartography in exploring the perceptions and needs of children and adolescents regarding healthcare in the Yaxcabá, Yucatán community. Materials and method. Nineteen children and adolescents from Yaxc...
Cuenca Alcocel, José Villalba-Heredia, Lorena Martínez Redondo, Inés Berrozpe-Villabona, Clara Casajús, José Antonio Arbonés-Mainar, José Miguel Calmarza, Pilar
Published in
Advances in Laboratory Medicine / Avances en Medicina de Laboratorio
Objetivos En la infancia y adolescencia se produce un aumento de masa ósea, hasta alcanzar un pico máximo, determinante para la salud ósea. Los marcadores óseos evalúan los procesos de formación-resorción ósea. Sin embargo, los estudios sobre la influencia de la obesidad en los marcadores de recambio óseo en esta edad, son escasos y los resultados ...
Zorrilla Cabrejo, Mirella Espinoza Rojas, Ruben
Introduction: The duration of breastfeeding is crucial for child health; however, the prevalence has decreased in recent years, placing children in a population at risk. Objective: To determine the factors associated with the duration of breastfeeding in children under 2 years of age in Peru 2021-2022. Methodology: Cross-sectional analytical study,...
Milla Melero, Ruth García Mayo, María del Pilar
The present study compares two types of written corrective feedback (WCF), reformulations and models, and their effect on the output by thirty-nine English as a foreign language primary school children (age 11-12; A2 level) working individually and collaboratively. Additionally, the effect of collaborative writing (CW) on learners’ motivation was m...
Cabrera Peña, Carmen Elizabeth Cubas, Sandra Mesquita Ramirez, Mirta Noemi Godoy, Laura
Introduction: Surgical-site infections are associated with healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), caused by bacteria that enter through the incisions made during a surgical procedure. To describe the frequency and Objective:characteristics of surgical site infections in emergency surgeries in pediatric patients hospitalized at a Pediatric General...
Sidorova, Ksenia
Se presenta la reseña del libro Etnografía e investigación con niños. Debates contemporáneos, escrito por María de Guadalupe Reyes Domínguez (2022). Se trata de una obra didáctica y, por esta razón, oportuna para las personas que se están iniciando en la investigación social, especialmente, estudiantes quienes se interesen por conocer la diversidad...
Mena, Alejandro José Argimon, Irani I. de Lima
The main goal of this study was to identify the primary behavioral characteristics present in a group of children and adolescents belonging to a municipal education system in a southern Brazilian city. This is a cross-sectional study with a mixed design. The sample consisted of 259 children and adolescents, 57.8 W and 38% M. In addition to 8 parent...