Borngrund, Alexa Nyängen, Linnéa
Digitalization has made it possible to consume news through both newspapers and social media, but we rarely consider if both platforms share the same news selection. This bachelor study aims to compare which agenda Dagens Nyheter conveys through the choices in the displayed news on the front page of the newspaper and the Instagram feed. The theoret...
Fridolf, Jesper
Denna uppsats syftar till att mäta hur ofta ämnen och muntliga källor förekommer. Två nyhetsförmedlare har undersökts. Den ena drivs via public service, Rapport, och den andra är ett kommersiellt företag, Tv4 Nyheterna. De två aktörernas resultat jämfördes för att kunna urskilja likheter och skillnader i hur de valde att utforma sina sändningar. Gr...
Lindén, Sarah Ottestam, Hedda
Paywalls have quickly become a large part of the media industry and are constantly evolving. Most news media today use a form of paywall to be able to earn revenue off their content. In this study we have made a qualitative text analysis where we compared themes between COVID-19 articles behind paywalls and articles which are free to read on Aftonb...
Joris, Glen De Grove, Frederik Van Damme, Kristin De Marez, Lieven
As news selection is increasingly controlled by algorithms, a growing number of scholars are exploring how news recommenders can serve public services. Despite aspirations towards public service algorithms, little is known about which type of news recommender people prefer, let alone about a news recommender that aims to promote societal values. Th...
Kessler, Sabrina Heike Engelmann, Ines
Published in
The aim of this study is to analyze the reasons behind users’ selection of news results on the news aggregator website, Google News, and the role that news factors play in this selection. We assume that user’s cognitive elaboration of users influences their news selection. In this study, a multi-method approach is used to obtain a complete picture ...
Lydén, Oskar Hellgren, Tobias
Den här studien fokuserar på att undersöka i vilken utsträckning tidningsartiklar som baseras på källor hämtade från sociala medier uppfyller kriterierna för nyhetsurval samt vilka källkritiska principer som källorna uppfyller. Det undersöks även hur berättartekniker påverkar utformningen av artiklarna. Syftet är att utveckla en förståelse för vad ...
Andersson, Maja Eriksson, Nicolina
This study, Political representation in the local paper - the power of the front page, shows how the local paper Västerbottens-kuriren chooses, consciously or unknowingly, to represent politics on the front page during the election period of 2018. Given the premises that journalists must adhere to, could affect the reporting of politics. The method...
Sirafi, Ziad
The purpose of this study is to examine why the media has a more negative attitude towards lobbyism in 2014 compared to earlier years since the 1970s in Sweden. This study examines first if a change of attitude has occurred between the given years and whether the attitude is more positive, negative or neutral towards lobbyism in recent years compar...
Alfredsson Kamp, Fredrik Eriksson, Carl-Fredrik
Purpose and framing of the question: To study how Aftonbladet’s news values and news selection have changed in the last two decades. Method and material: Quantitative study in form of a coding scheme covering Aftonbladet’s front pages in the month of march of 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2015. Main result: Both news selection and news value remains i...
Schmid-Petri, Hannah Häussler, Thomas Adam, Silke
Published in
News factors can be conceptualized as general relevance indicators guiding the attention of all humans. However, that doesn’t mean that they are the only factors influencing selection processes or that all news factors have the same importance across different actor types. Within the concept of news factors it is still unclear to what degree those ...