van Doorn, Maarten Helfenstein, Anatol Ros, Gerard Heuvelink, Gerard van Rotterdam, Debby Verweij, Sven E. de Vries, Wim
This dataset contains digital soil maps (.tiff) of predicted soil contents of oxalate-extractable iron and aluminium at a 25 m spatial resolution across six depth layers (0-5 cm, 5-10 cm, 10-25 cm, 25-60 cm, 60-100 cm and 100-200 cm) for agricultural fields in the Netherlands. For each of these depth layers, there is a map of mean predictions, the ...
garcia, jeanne
Le 15 octobre 2021, l’exposition virtuelle « Archives, mémoires et identités métisses. Regard sur le projet de recherche “Résolution-Métis” en cours aux Archives de l’État » est mise en ligne. Quelques semaines plus tôt, l’équipe du projet annonçait le lancement de cette exposition lors de la Journée d’histoire belge des migrations. Cet espace virt...
Onaiyekan, Peter O Passos, Valéria L Horstman, Klasien
Published in
Objectives Cycling is an important means of transportation in the Netherlands. Unfortunately, the number of cycling accidents and their adverse outcomes (injury and death) are on the rise. We set out to observe the nature of these accidents in Maastricht from 2001 to 2015 and analyzed the recommendations of stakeholders on ways to improve cycling s...
Pardoel, A.M. (author) Goslinga, D.B. (author) Kalisvaart, R.D. (author) Paulsen, C.R. (author) de Wolf, S.C.M. (author)
The department of Urbanism at the TU Delft, our clients, research the sentiment in different places, times, ages or genders and compare them to each other. This report describes the purpose, design, implementation and accuracy of a web tool created to get insights into the sentiment people have, de- ducted from social media. The aim of our project ...
van Groenestijn, Johan Harmsen, Paulien Bos, Harriëtte
We have compiled this booklet with the aim of providing an overview and, where possible, guidelines for policy and entrepreneurship. It offers an overview of the types of biomass and biomass availability on the scale of the Netherlands, Europe and the world, and the available technologies for converting biomass into a range of useful products.
Akkerman, Renzo Beames, A.G. Faber, Coen Heideveld, Antoine van der Have, Carien Dijkstra, Aranka
De Nederlandse overheid heeft de ambitie uitgesproken om Nederland in 2050 volledig circulair te laten zijn. Daarnaast is er een grote uitdaging om de doelen van het Klimaatakkoord in 2030 en 2050 te behalen. Een circulaire economie kan hieraan een belangrijke bijdrage leveren. De logistieke sector zal in deze transitie mee moeten gaan. Tegelijkert...
Baptist, Martin van Hattum, Tim Reinhard, Stein van Buuren, Michaël de Rooij, Bertram Hu, Xiaolu van Rooij, Sabine Polman, Nico van den Burg, Sander Piet, Gerjan
Nederland staat voor grote opgaven: de energietransitie, verduurzaming van de landbouw, herstel van de biodiversiteit, verstedelijking en klimaatadaptatie. Al deze opgaven hebben gevolgen voor de ruimtelijke inrichting van ons land. Het is onvermijdelijk dat Nederland er over honderd jaar anders uit zal zien. Grote veranderingen zijn nodig om opgew...
Kunkeler, Nathaniël David Benjamin
The focus of this thesis is on the process of myth-making (mythopoeia) in the Dutch National Socialist Movement (NSB) and the Swedish National Socialist Workers’ Party (NSAP), using a cultural pragmatic approach to analyse the practicalities and implementation of mythopoeia comparatively. A variety of fascist performances, scripted and unscripted, ...
Miller, David Gibbes Kim, Scott Y H
Published in
BMJ open
As a retrospective review of physician self-reported data, the Dutch RTEs do not focus on whether patients should have received EAS, but instead primarily gauge whether doctors conducted EAS in a thorough, professional manner. To what extent this constitutes enforcement of strict safeguards, especially when cases contain controversial features, is ...
Kuley, Runa
Q fever is a worldwide zoonotic infectious disease caused by the bacterium Coxiella burnetii. During 2007-2010, the largest Q fever outbreak was reported in The Netherlands, where more than 4000 human cases were registered showing a serious burden of the disease. During this outbreak, goats harboring predominantly the CbNL01 genotype strain were id...