Coterillo Laso, Raquel
The blurring of the boundaries between work and rest time due to the permanent connectivity that the use of new technologies has brought about has increased the risk of workers suffering from stress and technostress. In the same vein, the demand for continuous learning and adaptation efforts means that workers feel that they have less control over ...
José Ricardo, Mancilla León
The objective of this research was to determine the relationship that exists between negotiation and conflict resolution in secondary level teachers of the Educational Institutions in question. The methodology was quantitative, descriptive, correlational. The population is made up of secondary school teachers and directors in a number of 162 units;...
Estrada Mojica, Maximo Campines Barría, Francisco
The general objective of this research is to analyze, from a bibliometric and bibliographic perspective, the preparation and publication of research articles in high-impact journals indexed in the Scopus database on the variables sales, negotiation and marketing during the period 2018- 2024. This article has a mixed approach, combining quantitative...
Pereda Pinazo, William Jefferson Campana Concha, Abelardo Rodolfo
Objective: Determine the relationship between transformational managerial leadership and the organizational climate of the educational institutions of the selected population. Materials and Method: It is a correlational study that applied two questionnaires as instruments to a sample of 44 teachers, whose data were processed with the SPSS program. ...
Ferretto, Martina
The transnational collective action in defense of voluntary abortion, known as the “green tide” since the end of 2017, is here to stay and has attracted the attention of the media, academics, and governments. The emergence of this phenomenon, current and in movement, has been studied and analyzed from various perspectives that have enriched our u...
González Nieto, Diego
El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar el conflicto que se produjo entre 1460 y 1482 entre el arzobispo y cabildo catedralicio de Toledo y la Orden de Calatrava en torno a los diezmos del Campo de Calatrava. Una abundante documentación inédita procedente del Archivo Histórico Nacional nos permitirá examinar los mecanismos articulados por la O...
Martínez Ávalos, Leopoldo
La visita episcopal en Nueva España fungió como un tribunal de justicia eclesiástica poco estudiado hasta ahora. Este artículo es un acercamiento a la labor como juez del arzobispo Alonso Núñez de Haro y Peralta durante su recorrido por las parroquias de la arquidiócesis de México a finales del siglo XVIII. Se hace énfasis en la participación activ...
Alonso Pérez, Matilde Elíes, Furio Blasco
OECD countries have significantly reduced gender disparities in many areas of education and occupation. However, substantial differences between women and men still persist in access to certain studies, in activity rates, and in salary levels. Formal equality exists, but the differences are also significant and important. They can be observed when ...
Moreno, Eduardo Sánchez Cardiel, Jorge García
Published in
A lo largo de la Segunda Guerra Púnica, los distintos agentes intervinientes en el frente hispano recurrieron constantemente a la diplomacia, materializada a menudo en el intercambio de regalos. El presente artículo analiza estos intercambios, centrándose en un tipo de dones singularmente valiosos: los seres humanos de estirpe aristocrática previam...
Faúndez Carril, Johanna González Ramírez, Isabel Ximena
El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el aporte que puede ofrecer a los procesos de justicia transicional las orientaciones y mecanismos de la justicia restaurativa, para negociar la paz en conflictos armados. Para lo cual se usó una metodología cualitativa con diseño descriptivo y exploratoria, con un enfoque histórico y con fuentes secundarias...