koperski, paweł
The article presents and discusses the issues of the use of free-living invertebrates to assess the ecological status of freshwater environments with different methods of biological monitoring. Invertebrates are excluded from ethical consideration in the procedures of environmental protection, which results in the killing of many more individuals d...
giergiczny, marek valasiuk, sviataslau yakubouski, mikita kowalewski, mikołaj maskiewicz, jędrzej angelstam, per
The Białowieża Forest is a contested transboundary forest massif in Poland and Belarus. Reflecting on transitions from value chains built on sustained yield forestry to ecotourism, we pioneer documentation of how country-specific legacies shape preferences toward increased forest protection at the expense of wood production. For both countries, we ...
geppert, frauke bellingrath-kimura, sonoko d. mouratiadou, ioanna
Large-scale, high-input, and intensified agriculture poses threats to sustainable agroecosystems and their inherent biodiversity. The EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) covers a great number of nature conservation programs (Agri-Environment and Climate Measures, AECM) aiming to encourage sustainable agriculture. Currently, farmers are not encourag...
jurišić, mladen plaščak, ivan rendulić, željko radočaj, dorijan
The most valuable protected natural areas, including national parks, are subjected to the increased visitors count and density, threatening the environmental sustainability and biodiversity conservation. To establish a basis for land management to mitigate these influences, the novel geographic information (GIS)-based environmental susceptibility z...
Vicente Rabanaque, Teresa Cortés Vázquez, José Antonio Santamarina Campos, Beatriz
The current network of protected areas in Spain has been a product of the transfer of political responsibilities from the State to the autonomous regional governments that began in the 1980s. Among other outcomes, this institutional re-arrangement triggered an unprecedented development of public policies and legislation in the field of nature conse...
Luglia, Rémi
Les processus à l’œuvre dans la définition et la mise en place des premiers espaces naturels protégés de France métropolitaine précèdent largement la création des Parcs nationaux en 1960 et des Parcs naturels régionaux en 1967. Pister l’origine de la fabrique de ces territoires permet d’interroger et d’inscrire dans une perspective de plus longue d...
Futhazar, Guillaume Maljean-Dubois, Sandrine Razzaque, Jona
Biodiversity is declining at an unprecedented speed and urgent action is needed at all levels. Noting the growing influence of climate change litigation as an emerging legal trend, this volume proposes a sidestep: if climate change litigation is so abundantly commented on, then what can be said about biodiversity litigation? To explore this topic, ...
Dulias, Renata
Published in
Environmental & Socio-economic Studies
The article presents anthropogenic and natural factors influencing African World Heritage sites. The analysis was based on the data contained in the Conservation Outlook Assessments for 2020, including all sites on the African continent where natural values are protected, i.e., both natural (38) and mixed sites – natural and cultural (6). The asses...
Čuček Meršol, Trina
Tema magistrskega dela obravnava znanstveno ilustracijo rastlin in žuželk. Namen dela je, da se ohrani spomin na rastline in pozove k varovanju in širjenju zavedanja o medsebojnem sodelovanju in vplivih, ki jih imamo na okolje. Za ohranjanje spomina je lahko v pomoč tudi umetnost, natančneje znanstvena ilustracija. V preteklosti so si lahko mnogo r...
Lap, Patricija
Natura 2000 je eden glavnih mehanizmov varovanja narave, konkretneje habitatnih tipov, ogroženih rastlinskih in živalskih vrst, tako na slovenski, kakor tudi na evropski ravni. Habitatni tipi lahko izginjajo zaradi pozidave ali zaradi neprimerne kmetijske prakse – intenzivno kmetijstvo na eni strani in zaraščanje na drugi. Ekstenzivna travišča kot ...