A sociedade de informação é definida por uma pobre relação de troca em simbolismos. Os significantes da informação tendem a estimular a produção de um sujeito corporificado sujeitado às demandas neoliberais de produção e consumo. As tecnologias geram uma sensação de liberdade, cuja rede de informações homogeniza nossa exposição ao social, nos nivel...
Bica, Danielle das Chagas Modesto, Rafaela Oliveira
TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Campus Araranguá, Medicina. / A violência de gênero apresenta elevada prevalência e constitui-se como um importante problema de saúde pública, cujas consequências envolvem sofrimento e adoecimentos físicos e psicológicos. Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar narrativas de violência de gêne...
Hoyos González, Pablo Veloz Contreras, Areli
Resumen: Desde los feminismos latinoamericanos, este artículo sostiene que en un contexto de financiarización de la vida, la precaria relación entre capital, trabajo y vida se ve exacerbada por diversos dispositivos, como la deuda contraída como respuesta al encarcelamiento de un familiar. A partir de la observación de los “itinerarios corporales” ...
Almagro, Manuel
Current discussions in the political arena tend to be very unproductive and difficult to resolve. Recent literature suggests that this is the case because most of our political discussions are instances of deep disagreement. Against this story, this paper explores an alternative route: deep disagreements don’t tend to be more unfruitful than other ...
de Oliveira Freitas Ruas, Vera Lúcia Macêdo, Josué Antunes de Crisóstomo dos Santos, Edson
In this study, we had the purpose of describing and validating from the narratives of professional experiences, initial and continued training the level of TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) development of the mathematics teachers of Basic Education investigated. We analyzed the narrative statements of seven teachers from two publi...
Lerma Mayer, Sonia Yuruen
This feminist-oriented text revolves around methodologicaldiscussions regarding women's participation in different wars, specifically their writing processes within the context of armed conflicts. These reflections shed light on how certain nations shape gendered mechanisms of exclusion and inclusion, which, when undergoing social crises, produce e...
Leetoy, Salvador Castro Ricalde, Maricruz
Resumen Este artículo analiza el caso del archivo digital de Humanizando la deportación como espacio tecnopolítico a partir de la producción de documentales participativos. Analizamos la manera en que las experiencias de personas deportadas exponen la crueldad de violencias estructurales e institucionales sobre la migración y genera conocimiento si...
Assis, Mariana Portela de Santos, Nara Menezes
In recent years, several emblematic cases of girls pregnant due to rape have occupied the Brazilian news. The obstacles they faced to access the right to abortion mobilized the public debate, especially through social networks. In this context, using a theoretical-analytical framework in relation to the narrative disputes and framing of social move...
Pérez, Andrea Verónica
This paper critically reflects on educational inclusion on the basis of: a) the research work developed on the right to education from the narratives of youngpeople with disabilities in higher education, as well as b) different gatherings withstudents and teachers from different educational levels and c) the activities carried outwithin the framewo...
Bender, Mateus Silva, Ronaldo
This paper reflects on the process of subjectification of bodies in the context of 'subjection', using the narratives of the political discourses of two characters: one fictional, Mayor Odorico Paraguaçu, and the other non-fictional, former President Jair Messias Bolsonaro. The historical-social and cultural context portrays the typhus epidemic in ...