Simionescu, Mihaela Cifuentes-Faura, Javier
Published in
Evaluation review
The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the local debt in Spanish municipalities with negative consequences on the macroeconomic financial stability at national and eurozone level. The main objective is to identify the causes of public debt per capita in four groups of Spanish municipalities according to size. It is based on a quantitative analysis b...
Jakab, Radomír
Published in
EU agrarian Law
The right to a favourable environment is a constitutionally guaranteed right. It is also linked to the duty of every entity to protect and improve the environment. The rights and obligations related to this are further regulated in the legislation of parliament. However, the municipality has also its irreplaceable place in ensuring environment prot...
Petrović, Dana
Diplomsko delo obravnava analizo računovodske funkcije v slovenskih občinah, s poudarkom na analizi kadrovske strukture in uporabi informacijske tehnologije v finančno-računovodskih službah. Računovodstvo lokalnih samouprav ima ključno vlogo pri zagotavljanju pravilnih in pravočasnih podatkov o poslovni in finančni uspešnosti ter premoženjskem stan...
Železnik, Tomaž
Sanderson, Hans Hildén, Mikael Saikku, Laura Axelsson, Katarina Pedersen, Anders Branth Aamaas, Borgar
Published in
Frontiers in Climate
Municipalities can play a large role in achieving global climate targets. Integrating a consumption-based perspective is key to being able to mitigate global emissions. We conducted a survey among municipality officials in four Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden) and held several workshops to deepen our understanding of municipa...
Kanyama, Annika Carlsson Zapico, Jorge Luis Holmberg, Chatarina Wikman-Svahn, Per
The need for handling the deep uncertainty surrounding the future climate has led to various novel and robust approaches for decision-making under deep uncertainty (DMDU) when adapting to climate change. Here, an online and self-explanatory web-based tool was developed and tested with civil servants from five municipalities in Sweden challenged by ...
Striby Burman, Rebecka Carvajal Winberg, David
Arbetsmarknadspolitiken har historiskt sett varit både ett kommunalt och statligt ansvar som från mitten av 1900-talet koncentrerats till en statlig nivå och till myndigheten Arbetsförmedlingen. Både forskning och statliga utredningar har konstaterat att kommuner mer och mer tagit sig an arbetet med arbetsmarknadspolitik och idag har merparten av S...
Kourkis, Carla
Research on segregation's impact on educational outcomes has been extensive worldwide. Given Sweden's immigration levels and persistent patterns of economic residential segregation, this research aims to investigate how students' educational outcome is associatedwith area characteristics such as socio-economic deprivation, presence of residents wit...
Belda Miquel, Sergio Talón Villacañas, Alba Cuesta, Daniel
This study aims at contributing to the debate on the potentialities of development cooperation from municipalities by exploring the understudied cases of local international cooperation funds. For this aim, a comprehensive theoretical framework is proposed on the bases of the identification of the specific values of local cooperation from a municip...
Lévêque, Antoine
Alors que la ségrégation urbaine est aujourd’hui bien renseignée, alors qu’une attention fine est désormais déployée à l’égard de l’inscription territoriale des comportements politiques, c’est à la médiation des intérêts sociaux dans l’action publique et à ses traductions territoriales que cet article est consacré. En revenant sur le traitement de ...