Villanueva-Díaz, Analy Espinosa-Ayala, Enrique Hernández-García, Pedro Abel Márquez-Molina, Ofelia Hidalgo-Milpa, Minerva Mireles-Arriaga, Ana Isabel
Resumen Objetivo: Determinar desde la perspectiva de la calidad multidimensional cuáles son los factores que inciden en el consumo de la carne de conejo en el centro de México. Metodología: Se empleó una encuesta estructurada a 177 consumidores habituales de carne incluida la carne de conejo, para analizar los datos se realizó una base y, posterior...
Villanueva Díaz, Analy Espinosa Ayala, Enrique Hernández García, Pedro Abel Márquez Molina, Ofelia Hidalgo Milpa, Minerva Mireles Arriaga, Ana I.
Objective: To determine the multidimensional quality, as well as the reasons for the consumption of rabbit meat from the perspective of the consumer. Methodology: A structured survey was used to 177 decision-makers of family food consumption, to analyze the data a database was created and subsequently a multivariate treatment was given through a fa...
Rodrigues Sampaio, Leonardo Pereira dos Santos, Cleonice
The aim of this work was to construct the Multidimensional Empathy Scale for Adults (MESA) and to evaluate indicators of validity and reliability for this instrument. Based on Martin Hoffman’s theory and previous research, 67 items were elaborated to evaluate five dimensions of empathy. After testing the semantic and content validity, a version of ...
Llamazares, Ana María
Basándonos en la idea de que las culturas originarias de América comparten un lecho cosmovisional y simbólico común, en este artículo comparamos imágenes representativas de dos áreas geográficas y períodos culturales muy distantes entre sí, que también corresponden a tipos expresivos diferentes. De la cultura Chavín del área andina centro-septentri...
Candia Cid, Jessica Quijada, Yanet Sanhueza, Guillermo Bustos, Claudio
Resumen Introducción: La cohesión social es un concepto relevante en política social, así como en la compresión de la violencia y otros fenómenos sociales; no obstante, su evaluación es compleja. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar las propiedades psicométricas de una escala para medir cohesión social en municipios de Chile. Método: Se analizó ...
Mendes de Miranda, Ana Paula Muniz, Jacqueline
This paper presents reflections about researches on the field of public security, violences and activisms in Brazil, from experiences developed by the authors, considering the constitutive dilemmas of this thematic. It emphasizes the importance of empirical researches based on an anthropological construction and of the challenges of the interlocuti...
Rodrigues Sampaio, Leonardo de Lima Sousa Santos, Tamires Camino, Cleonice
The aims of this work were to construct the Multidimensional Empathy Scale for Children (MESC) and to assess validity indicators for this instrument. A team of researchers developed 69 items to evaluate five dimensions of empathy. After testing the semantic and content validity, a version of the MESC with 30 items was applied with 373 children (age...
Gómez, Julder
Many deliberation problems are multidimensional: the arguments for and against the proposed solutions appeal to values that belong to different dimensions. Thus, for instance, the arguments in favor of the proposal to negotiate to solve the problem of a domestic armed conflict may draw upon peace, whereas the arguments against it may invoke justice...
Bialakowsky, Alejandro
This article draws upon the issue of meaning and representations in the perspectives by Giddens, Bourdieu, Habermas and Luhmann, with the aim of making a reinterpretation of the scope and limitations of their claim to reconfigure contemporary sociological theory. To this purpose, three theoretical-analytical levels are analyzed: first, the “shift i...
Perdomo Marín, Juan Camilo
A key debate in contemporary anthropology seeks to subvert the nature/culture division and redefine the research context to consider non-human entities as immanent agents of meaning. This article exposes several approaches to this topic. It focuses on their disagreements, shared points and productive frictions. It points out that these theorization...