donahue-martens, scott
Preachers cannot assume the mere presence of different cultures or diversity means a congregational context is multicultural. Fostering an environment conducive to multiculturalism can be difficult, partly due to the persisting colonial structures. The colonial systems created spaces where different cultures and diverse groups interacted, yet these...
Montalvo Granados, Daniela Camposano, Serena
South Korea’s economic development and ascendance in the global market have earned it a reputation as a technological leader. The government has sought to cultivate a favorable international image, despite facing labor shortages resulting from economic growth in the 1980s and a decline in the working population. This resulted in the implementatio...
Pérez Guido, Héctor
The article aims to present the ideas of some philosophers in favor of defending and protecting animals from an ethical position that combines with the practice of veganism to show that it must be recognized in contemporary societies from multicultural and cosmopolitan points of view. / Este artículo tiene como objetivo exponer las ideas de algunos...
bayram, bora eryılmaz, ramazan
This study aimed to identify the acculturation strategies of Russian immigrants and Syrian refugees living in Türkiye and examine their impact on second-language learning. The idea of acculturation explains how immigrants adapt to the culture of the host country. In this research, the acculturation strategies of immigrants and refugees, their secon...
Kobaslic, Bisera
Denna studie lyfter fram betydelsen med en inkluderande undervisning i ämnet idrott och hälsa i mångkulturella idrottsundervisningar. För att möjliggöra ett samhälle där alla kan leva tillsammans så är det viktigt att arbeta med inkludering, speciellt i skolor där unga utvecklas och lär sig att leva tillsammans. Denna intervjustudie vill få fram id...
Molyneux, Tonje M. Kassan, Anusha Ty, Sophie V.
Published in
Frontiers in Education
Negative school integration experiences can compromise the healthy development of newcomer youth. Little research has explored what affects their experiences; even less has engaged youth in the research process. This study investigated the school integration experiences of French-speaking newcomer youth in a predominantly anglophone Canadian provin...
Hostovsky Brandes, Tamar Tirosh, Yofi
Published in
The Law & Ethics of Human Rights
Advertisers in Israel routinely omit representation of women and girls as a form of adaptation to norms prevalent among ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities, by which the representation or allusion to a woman’s body, voice, or garments is considered immodest and distracting. What, if any, should be the response of antidiscrimination law to exclusionar...
Salas-Schweikart, Raimundo Hendricks, Margaret J Boychuck, Melanie Moghaddam, Fathali M
Published in
The Journal of social psychology
Extensive research supports a positive association between similarity and attraction at the inter-personal level; the very limited research at the intergroup level is also supportive. In the context of increasing diversity in major societies, alternative diversity management approaches give priority to celebrating differences versus celebrating sim...
yousef, wael
Career and College Readiness (CCR) generates higher levels of persistence, grit, motivation, and competencies in performing work- or school-related tasks among learners during post-secondary life. One primary limitation defining the present scholarship on CCR is the authentic analysis of the on the ground or field practices high schools perform to ...
zhang, li tong, song peng, kaiping
Many previous studies in moral psychology have described people as moral believers, who treat morality as universal sacred beliefs and show moral outrage and social exclusion toward people with different opinions. At the same time, moral relativism tends to make people more tolerant but also makes them question their own beliefs and leads to more i...