Stange, Kari
This thesis addresses how knowledge is used and produced in stakeholder-led collaborations to make long-term management plans for European fishery management. Boundary object theory is applied and developed to explain how stakeholders from the fishing industry interact with each other, and with fishery scientists and managers, in initiatives to pro...
Davies, Sara Ribeiro, Barbara Millar, Kate Miller, Stephen Vironen, Heidi Charles, David Griestop, Laura Hasenheit, Marius Kiresiewa, Zoritza Hoes, A.C.
This document has been developed as part of Work Package 3 of the BioSTEP project, which has examined current participatory practices, involving both stakeholders and citizens, in bioeconomy strategies in six case studies, namely: Two case studies at national level (Finland and Germany); Four case studies at regional level (Bio-based Delta in the N...
Brouwer, J.H. Woodhill, A.J. Hemmati, M. Verhoosel, K.S. van Vugt, S.M.
Oonk, Carla
Finding solutions for complex societal problems requires cross-boundary collaboration between multiple stakeholders who represent various practices, disciplines and perspectives. The authentic, multi-stakeholder Regional Learning Environment (RLE) is expected to develop higher education students’ capabilities for working in multi-stakeholder settin...
Kpera, G.N.
Key words: conflict, water quality, crocodile, fish diversity, vegetable, watershed management, institutional changes, innovation system. Understanding complexity in managing agro-pastoral dams ecosystem services in Northern Benin Gnanki Nathalie KPERA Agro-pastoral dams (APDs) – water reservoirs constructed to provide water for livestock and for a...
van Asselt, E.D. Brandhoff, P.N. Twenhöfel, C.J.W.
In the Netherlands, EPAn (Unit Planning and Advice – Nuclear) assesses the radiological situation and advises the national and regional levels on protective actions. This advice is based on radiological and human health expertise provided by the Crisis Expert Team (CET) radiation. At the start of the project, CET lacked insight in the measures take...
Andeweg, K. Leenstra, F.R.
De Nederlandse overheid wil haar toekomstige inzet in internationale multi-stakeholder netwerken, zoals de Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock, verbinden aan de behoeften van Nederlandse bedrijven die actief zijn in ontwikkelende landen, om zo bij te dragen aan de beleidsambities voor wereldwijde voedselzekerheid en de ontwikkeling van een duur...
Brouwer, J.H. Woodhill, A.J. Hemmati, M. Verhoosel, K.S. van Vugt, S.M.
Hisschemoller, M. Cuppen, E. Leemans, R. Dunn, W.N.
Dit onderzoek betreft het ontwikkelen en toetsen van een methode voor participatieve verkenningen op het gebied van klimaat en energie, waarbij partijen met een verschillende expertise zijn betrokken. De methode die het onderzoek heeft opgeleverd is Constructive Conflict Methodology genoemd. Uitgangspunt is dat een open dialoog primair tot doel hee...
Wigboldus, S.A. Leeuwis, C.
Discussion paper prepared for the CGIAR Research Program on Integrated Systems for the Humid Tropics.