Rauff, Erica L Kumazawa, Monet
Published in
Journal of American college health : J of ACH
Objective: Physical activity (PA) declines during the transition to university. Identifying contributing factors is imperative. Participants: Participants were first-year undergraduate students (N = 283). Methods: Participants completed validated surveys. Participants were categorized as meeting PA guidelines or not meeting PA guidelines. MANCOVA's...
Munoz-Araya, Mariana Williams, Sequoia R. Geoghan, Peter Ortiz-Gonzalo, Daniel Marshall, Krista N. Brewer, Kelsey M. Alston-Stepnitz, Eli Rebolloso McCullough, Sarah Wauters, Vivian M.
Published in
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
Industrialized agriculture, characterized by high inputs, large-scale monocultures, and confined livestock production, with a narrow focus on profit, is a major transgressor of societal and planetary boundaries. It fuels climate change, biodiversity loss, water and soil degradation, nutritional deficiencies, public health issues, cultural erosion, ...
Thorell, Lisa B. Autenrieth, Milena Riccardi, Alice Burén, Jonas Nutley, Sissela B.
Published in
Frontiers in Psychology
Introduction Although not yet recognized as an official disorder, Social Media Disorder (SMD) has recently received considerable interest in the research. However, relatively little is known about underlying motives for social media use and to what extent motives show differential associations with SMD symptom severity and SMD diagnosis. The overal...
Košuta, Miran
Primorski pripovednik Damir Feigel (1879-1959), ki se zaradi hkratne 125-letnice rojstva in 45-letnice smrti leta 2004 zapisuje med dvojne književniške jubilante, zaseda v zgodovini slovenskega leposlovnega humorja posebno mesto. Med petnajstimi, ki jih je namreč za živega objavil ta kritiško malo čislani, a tematsko in žanrsko nadvse plodni "goriš...
Röström, Alice Liedholm, Emma
Over the years, internationalization has seen significant shifts, especially in the financial industry where fintech firms blending technology and finance have sparked a revolution. Sweden has emerged as one of the global leaders in this sector. However, despite this transformation, existing studies on the internationalization process of fintech fi...
Rubinstein, David
We classify the localizing tensor ideals of the derived categories of mixed Tate motives over certain algebraically closed fields. More precisely, we prove that these categories are stratified in the sense of Barthel, Heard and Sanders. A key ingredient in the proof is the development of a new technique for transporting stratification between categ...
de Bruin, Kiki Vliegenthart, Rens Kruikemeier, Sanne de Haan, Yael
The number of people that intentionally avoid the news is growing. This could have several personal and societal implications. Previous research exposed various motives to avoid news, which lead to different manifestations of news avoidance, and consequently different implications. However, so far less is known about the differences in news avoidan...
Ontiveros Grimaldo, José Leonardo
In this work the monologue Blackface y otras vergüenzas (Blackface and other emba-rrassments), by Silvia Albert Sopale, is analyzed and we will establish in which way the anti-racist discourse is present in the play. In order to reveal the motives that encouraged the author to write it, we will use the theory of motives and strategies, a method tha...
Smolková, Simona
Tato bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na analýzu postojů spotřebitelů na trhu energetických nápojů. Cílem práce bylo zjistit preference, motivy a postoje spotřebitelů k energetickým nápojům na území Slovenské republiky. Analýza těchto postojů byla vykonána prostřednictvím dotazníkového šetření, kde byli respondenti rozděleni do dvou hlavních skupin: ko...
Nordmark, Rasmus Wielander, Ola
Detta examensarbete på kandidatnivå utforskade samverkan mellan destinationsbolag och livsstilsentreprenörer inom besöksnäringen. Problemformulering grundades i de båda parternas olika synsätt på företagande och tillväxt. En fallstudie i Jämtlands och Västernorrlands län utfördes för att undersöka de båda parternas förutsättningar, motiv, barriärer...