Publication search
with motivatio as keyword
Turmo Garuz, Joaquín Bartual-Figueras, M. Teresa Sierra-Martínez, F. Javier
El estudio de la empleabilidad pretende analizar las competencias desarrolladas por los estudiantes y su relevancia para la consecución de un empleo. Se trata de reducir los desajustes entre oferta y demanda de trabajo. La realización de prácticas en empresas se ha revelado como un importante factor de mejora de la empleabilidad, porque mejora de l...
Franco Álvarez, Evelia Coterón López, Javier
The objective of this work was to analyze the feasibility of developing certain motivational strategies designed to foster basic psychological needs satisfaction perceived by physical education (PE) teachers. Furthermore, it was aimed to check whether thes e perceptions could affect basic psychological needs, self -determined motivation, liking for...
Viciana Ramírez, Jesús Ramírez, J. San Matías, J. Requena Sánchez, Bernardo Cervelló Gimeno, Eduardo
The present article studies the effect that positive affective feedback (FAP) or negative affective feedback (FAN), received from a Physical Education (PE) teacher, have on the attitude that a student shows in class. This study evaluates their level of difficulty preferences in class tasks and the ego-task climate according to the performance of th...