Lenarčič, Maruša
Namen magistrskega dela je raziskati, kako lahko poznoviktorijanske gotske pošasti služijo kot produktivno orodje za raziskovanje moči, ki leži v drugačnosti v strogo strukturirani družbi. Analizirani sta deli “Oke of Okehurst” Verona Leeja in Slika Doriana Graya Oscarja Wildea, v katerih nastopata pošasti, ki izzivata viktorijanski status quo, ki ...
Neves, Mariana
In waking life, in dreams. As Leonor attends the last year of catholic school in Leiria, Portugal, a new girl joins the class, and Rita is plagued by visions of a dragon following her relentlessly. The Monster in My Closet is a graphic novel about confronting one’s inner demons against the backdrop of a wider belief system. It depicts a journey of ...
Guzmán Marín, Francisco
Morbidity is the characteristic feature of postmodernity. The liberal and avant-garde postmodern society is a sick entity; mentally, emotionally, physically and environmentally pathological. Paradoxically, at a time when happiness is most pondered, claimed, promoted and marketed as a human destiny, the emotional disorders of suffering and suffering...
puglia, david j.
North America is steeped in legends of cryptids, (mostly) unseen creatures woven into the fabric of its folklore. From legends told by early explorers to contemporary legends told today, these enigmatic beings shape societal perceptions and reflect communal anxieties. Monsters have long fascinated scholars, from ancient luminaries such as Pliny the...
Sciancalepore, Antonella
Dans cet article, l’auteure s’attache à investiguer la classification biologique des créatures hybrides, où cohabitent des traits physiques propres aux êtres humains et aux animaux, dans la zoologie médiévale. Ces corps mixtes imposent aux zoologistes de réfléchir à la définition biologique de l’humain et à la séparation entre l’espèce humaine et l...
Arteaga Botello, Nelson
This paper analyzes different interpretations of the Alien franchise and how they divide the world regarding issues such as economic exploitation, technology and Otherness are analyzed. Cultural sociology allows us to understand how the interpretations are articulated through binary sets that see the franchise at the same time as a critique and an ...
Abbott, Elizabeth
This paper looks upon monsters as a medium; how concentration of fear can result in the demonisation of individuals. It explores how the use of craft, with a focus on stop motion animation, can be used as a tool to build empathy and help to heal fragmentations of society. Working with contemporary mythologies, crafted techniques are metaphorically ...
Published in
Cultural Anthropology
When pathogens and their movement between people cannot be seen, we imagine them. That imagined menagerie— imaginerie —of infection then becomes associated with marginal others whose bodies and actions become popularly conflated with disease and its transmission. This essay explores how methods of imagining and managing the COVID‐19 pandemic in Aus...
Harkin, Michael E.
Published in
Ethnologia Actualis
Monsters can be divided into two categories: human-like and non-human. Non-human monsters tend to be chthonic beings that are associated with the earth and natural forces. Humanoid monsters represent metaphorical transformations of humanity itself, and as such reveal basic cultural values, such as sociability, while displaying their opposite. Human...
Veyrié, Thierry
Published in
Ethnologia Actualis
This paper examines “Coyote, Whirlwind, and Ravine,” a long tale told in the Northern Paiute language by McDermitt storyteller Pete Snapp and recorded by folklorist Sven Liljeblad in the early 1960’s. It weaves in traditional episodes of western Numic folklore to narrate the history of the Fort McDermitt Paiute-Shoshone community as witnessed by an...