šálek, vít
Závěrečná práce „Urbanistická studie modernizace úseku Olomouc-Nová Ulice –Olomouc-Řepčín“ analyzuje stávající stav železniční trati v širším kontextu hustě zastavěného území města Olomouce a na základě rozboru souvisejících dokumentů navrhuje variantní úpravy infrastruktury. Uvažovány jsou možnosti přestavby na tramvajovou trať, nasazení vlakotram...
Šegula, David
pokorný, františek
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá analýzou modernizace a transformace bioplynové stanice ve Slatinách pod Hazmburkem. Stanice je primárně zaměřena na výrobu a prodej elektřiny a byla navržena tak, aby produkovala dostatečné množství bioplynu pro efektivní zásobování kogenerační jednotky s výkonem 1 MWe. Kvůli nedostatečné kapacitě distribuční sítě vša...
Xian, G E Sumanti, A E Hidayat, R T Novianto, D
Published in
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The transition of Indonesian vernacular architecture through generations without written documentation. The focus of this paper is on a specific type of Indonesian vernacular architecture known as the Joglo house, which was constructed 200 years ago and remains standing today. The house is in Juwana, Pati, Central Java, Indonesia, and has undergone...
Wang, Haizhou Yan, Wenjun
Published in
Journal of Chinese Film Studies
As a Tibetan indie filmmaker, Pema Tseden is endowed with an ethnic advantage. In his films, he focuses on the real-life conditions of Tibetans. Observing ethnic groups through the personal perspective of the individual, he profoundly contemplates the condition of Tibetan culture in the modernized world while reflecting on China through the geograp...
Selišnik, Nace
Kocjan, Kaja
Klimowicz, Joanna Orchowska, Anita
Published in
Środowisko Mieszkaniowe/Housing Environment
The subject of this article is the transformation of the built environment of selected housing estates from the turn of the 1960s and 1970s in Warsaw with special attention to natural values. Changes in the built environment and new investments cause: destruction of the natural environment, functional limitations of settlements, and, as a result, d...
Bektemirov, Abdumalik Ozodbek, Jumaqulov
Published in
E3S Web of Conferences
in this article, the factors affecting the competitiveness of business entities are systematized, and the characteristics of their impact on business activity are revealed. At the same time, ways to ensure competitiveness in business by monitoring them have been shown.
Ray, Gene
This article published in SEARCCCH, the journal of the CCC Critical Curatorial Cybermedia Master Program at HEAD-Genève, Hes-so, discusses and critically reflects on the work of four theorists of the planetary (or Anthropocene condition) who have been influential in contemporary art and art-related theoretical discourse: Dipesh Chakrabarty, Donna H...