Mestoto i ulogata na nekoi jazični pojavi vo mas-mediumite
Uvod: Množični mediji so ena od redkih priložnosti, ko lahko ženska porod vidi, preden ga doživi sama. Porod je v množičnih medijih pogosto prikazan nerealistično, s tem pa vpliva na vedenje in dejanja posameznikov v porodnem procesu. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je raziskati reprezentacijo poroda v množičnih medijih na podlagi pregleda znanstvene...
The article uses the case of Melania Trump, the former First Lady of the United States, to analyse the discursive strategies through which the print media in Slovenia represented ‘Melania’ as an ethnically born Slovenian on a national scale. The article also demonstrates how patriotism, based on the love and feelings of belonging to the Slovenian n...
The article presents the results of the first systematic literature review on migration in Slovenian media from the perspective of the hybrid media system. The mass media coverage of refugees and migrants is determined by the process of construction of the “other” in the Slovenian society. Stereotypical negative reporting prevails, portraying refug...
Magistrsko diplomsko delo obravnava pravico do zasebnosti absolutno javnih oseb v dobi interneta. Izjemen razmah informacijsko – komunikacijskih tehnologij pravico do zasebnosti postavlja pred pomembne pravne izzive, saj z novimi tehnologijami nastajajo in se shranjujejo ogromne baze podatkov, ki lahko ustrezno povezane, omogočijo celovit uvid v po...
Due to changes in the information environment since the last global epidemic, high WHO officials have spoken about the need to fight not only the current COVID-19 pandemic but also the related infodemic. We thus explored how people search for information, how they perceive its credibility, and how all this relates to their engagement in self-protec...