Vlees eten doe je niet meer zomaar. Vlees en alles daarom heen staat enorm in de schijnwerpers. Vanuit voedingsoogpunt blijft vlees zeer waardevol hoewel teveel consumptie van rood vlees de kans op darmkanker verhoogt. Vlees blijft echter ontzettend lekker maar productie en consumptie ervan is te ver doorgeslagen. Het moet anders en duurzamer. Een ...
The Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 was one of the largest oil spills in history. For three months, oil leaked from the Macondo well at 1,500 m depth into the Gulf. As one of the spill responses, an unprecedented amount of dispersants were applied, both at the sea surface and, for the first time ever, directly inject...
De Nederlandse melkveehouderij staat voor een enorme transitie. Met het beëindigen van de melkquotering is een grote dynamiek ontstaan die de intensivering, specialisatie en groei van de sector verder heeft versterkt. In voorliggende studie wordt duidelijk dat niet alleen vanwege waterkwaliteitsdoelstellingen maar ook voor ammoniak- en klimaat-doel...
Arts, G.H.P.Beltman, W.H.J.Holterman, H.J.van Vliet, P.J.M.Wipfler, E.L.van de Zande, J.C.
Fluctuations of input and output prices are major reasons causing volatile gross margins in livestock production. There are large historic differences in the period 2001-2015 between the dairy sector and fattening pig sector in volatility. Relatively large fluctuations in gross margins were observed in the fattening pig sector (median coefficient o...
Demand for palm oil in Thailand has increased as a result of Thai policies promoting the use of biodiesel. This increased demand results in negative effects on ecosystem services and increases environment pollution. Most existing studies focus on global warming impact alone, while other environmental impacts are being overlooked. Moreover, several ...
Consumption of water that is contaminated with pathogens still causes high numbers of death and disease. Understanding the factors that influence the dynamic distribution of waterborne pathogens is important, as this will help understanding improvements and possible solutions. Such understanding is particularly important in a developing country lik...
Agricultural production has kept pace with the population growth (FAO, 2012). One major input for a productive agriculture are fertilizers. Despite their effect on yield and quality, they also have considerable effects on the environment leading to emission of greenhouse gases, acidification, eutrophication and use of scare resources (Ruttan, 2002;...