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with meta-organisation as keyword
Etienne, Emilie
Development projects such as electrifying a rural village are supposed to last for several years or decades. To do so, funding agencies often articulate several organisations around a common goal, creating a meta-organisation. Funding agencies usually plan to exit the meta-organisation once it is strong enough to operate autonomously. This article ...
Mazzilli, Ingrid Mammar El Hadj, Sihem Berkowitz, Héloïse
International audience
Lanzi, Florence
En réponse aux défis environnementaux et sociaux rencontrés dans le domaine agroalimentaire, les 20 dernières années ont vu émerger un nombre croissant d’initiatives cherchant à reconnecter producteurs et consommateurs autour de l’alimentation et des territoires. Couramment appelées circuits courts, ces initiatives ont progressivement gagné l’atten...
Jolivet, Alexia
International audience
Jolivet, Alexia
En prenant appui sur l’étude d’un programme en santé communautaire, nous souhaitons, dans cette contribution, appréhender une tension au cœur des jeux de territorialisation de la santé : celle de la rencontre d’une horizontalité et d’une verticalité. Par une approche communicationnelle, nous nous attelons à cerner les injonctions de postures qu’ell...
Berkowitz, Heloïse Bucheli, Marcelo Dumez, Hervé
Published in
Journal of Business Ethics
Few industries have been pressured to develop corporate social responsibility (CSR) standards and policies like oil and gas. This has translated into the creation of non-governmental organizations and branches of the oil and gas firms focused on CSR. However, given the intrinsic complex characteristics of this industry, its global reach, and the fa...
Karlberg, Eva
This thesis investigates the Europeanisation of civil society at national level through a case study of the Swedish Women’s Lobby (SWL), an umbrella organisation which serves as the Swedish member of the Brussels-based European Women’s Lobby (EWL). Conceptualising umbrella organisations as ‘meta-organisations’, in Ahrne and Brunsson’s term, Europea...