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Apache Camel je integracijsko ogrodje, ki je zasnovano na knjigi Enterprise Integration Patterns avtorjev Gregor Hohpe in Bobby Woolf. V tej diplom- ski nalogi smo raziskali vzorce, po katerih je zasnovano Apachejevo ogrodje, njihovo zgodovino in kako je prišlo do potrebe po njih. S sodobnim Apache Camel smo na praktičnem primeru prikazali pomembno...
Cette proposition de communication vise à examiner les effets de l'inclinaison et de la couleur des lettres d’un logo d’une marque sur les réponses des consommateurs. Deux études expérimentales ont été menées en laboratoire. La première porte sur les effets de la couleur et de l’inclinaison des lettres d’un logo lorsque le consommateur ne peut pas ...
Au travers de l’œuvre tâtonnante de Freud et de ses successeurs, la métapsychologie psychanalytique a cheminé non sans mal ni contradictions. Le travail austère et rigoureux de Jean Laplanche a remis de l’ordre dans la maison tout en prolongeant le chemin freudien. Il aboutit à une conception tellement claire et épurée qu’on peut la résumer en une ...
In international advertising, foreign languages often serve symbolic purposes, each associated with distinct characteristics. This study explores whether recognising the language in advertising messages influences the company's perceived image and Word-of-Mouth (WOM). We used a between-subjects experimental design to selectfive languages as indepen...
Published in Health education & behavior : the official publication of the Society for Public Health Education
How people make perceived message effectiveness (PME) judgments remains mostly unexplored. This study assessed whether people need to spontaneously think about message effectiveness to report the message as effective on rating scales and investigated emotions as precursors to PME. After viewing one of four e-cigarette prevention messages, 1,968 adu...
Published in Journal of the American College of Cardiology
Published in Journal of the American College of Cardiology
Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists (MRAs) are underprescribed for patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). This study sought to compare effectiveness of 2 automated, electronic health record-embedded tools vs usual care on MRA prescribing in eligible patients with HFrEF. BETTER CARE-HF (Building Electronic Tools to En...
Published in Preventive medicine
Campaigns to improve beverage consumption typically focus on discouraging unhealthy beverages (e.g., soda), encouraging healthy beverages (e.g., water), or both. It remains unclear which of these strategies is most effective. We recruited a national convenience sample of U.S. parents of children ages 2-12 (n = 1078, 48% Latino[a]) to complete an on...
Nätövervakningscentralen (NOC) hos Transtema Network Service övervakar och filtrerar inkommande larm från olika typer av nätverk. När en störning uppstår i ettnät är bland de åtgärder som vidtas att informera kunden om det. Denna process förinformationsutskick är inte automatiserad, vilket innebär att personer som jobbarpå NOC behöver göra det manu...