Background With the advent of high throughput DNA typing, dense marker maps have become available to investigate genetic diversity on specific regions of the genome. The aim of this paper was to compare two marker based estimates of the genetic diversity in specific genomic regions lying in between markers: IBD-based genetic diversity and heterozyg...
The thesis focuses on two bioinformatics research topics: the development of tools for an efficient and reliable identification of single nucleotides polymorphisms (SNPs) and polymorphic simple sequence repeats (SSRs) from expressed sequence tags (ESTs) (Chapter 2, 3 and 4), and the subsequent implementation of these tools in a pipeline for narrowi...
Breeding for resistance is one of the major efforts in many breeding programmes. As in organic farming the use of pesticides is prohibited, resistant cultivars are of high importance. To select for resistant plants, screening assays are needed that often are laborious and require extensive knowledge on plant-pathogen interactions. To facilitate the...
Het is dit jaar geleden dat in Nederland het geval van klassieke varkenspest werd gedetecteerd. Het was het laatste geval in een epidemie die ruim een jaar had geduurd. Op dat moment waren we 429 besmette bedrijven verder, waren 12 miljoen varkens vernietigd en was de schade opgelopen tot meer dan 2 miljard euro. Om nog maar te zwijgen over de emot...
Movements are important. When animals move, they exert mechanical load on their bodies and their muscles and bones respond by the generation of more tissue. Vice versa, a lack of movement will result in a decrease in bone and muscle tissue. During my PhD studies I have looked into the normal development of muscle and bone in the trunk of zebrafish....
In this thesis research is described aiming at alleviation of the perceived limitations in the standard protocol which encompasses: mapping a trait, followed by marker saturation, genetic resolution, and finally BAC landing and walking to span the physical distance between the markers.In Chapter 2 proof of concept is presented that the level of mar...
This dissertation focuses on assessing genetic diversity in a quantitative way through the use of Malecots coefficients of kinship. Kinships between and within populations and individuals can be estimated using microsatellite marker genes that are assumed to be selectively neutral.Genetic diversity is estimated from such Marker Estimated Kinships (...