Tsao, Bing-Jyun Khamesra, Bhavesh Gracia-Linares, Miguel Laguna, Pablo
Published in
Classical and Quantum Gravity
Recent gravitational wave (GW) observations include possible detections of black hole—neutron star binary mergers. As with binary black hole mergers, numerical simulations help characterize the sources. For binary systems with neutron star components, the simulations help to predict the imprint of tidal deformations and disruptions on the GW signal...
Bontemps, Christian Gualdani, Cristina Remmy, Kevin
We develop a two-stage game in which competing airlines first choose the networks of markets to serve in the first stage before competing in price in the second stage. Spillovers in entry decisions across markets are allowed, which accrue on the demand, marginal cost, and fixed cost sides. We show that the second-stage parameters are point identifi...
Bogovič, Ana
Evropska Unija se je zavezala k zelenemu prehodu s ciljem postati prva ogljično nevtralna celina. Ambiciozni cilji so predstavljeni v Evropskem zelenem dogovoru ter konkretizirani v področni sekundarni zakonodaji. Za projekt takšnega obsega je potrebna prilagoditev delovanje določenih politik EU, saj so cilji dosegljivi le z usklajenim pristopom. P...
misra, kuntal yadav, lallan
The conventional classification of Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) as short or long bursts based on their duration is widely accepted as arising from different progenitor sources identified as compact object mergers and collapsars, respectively. However, recent observational shreds of evidence challenged this view, with signatures of collapsars in short GR...
foord, adi cappelluti, nico liu, tingting volonteri, marta habouzit, melanie pacucci, fabio marchesi, stefano chen, nianyi di matteo, tiziana mallick, labani
We present an analysis showcasing how the Advanced X-ray Imaging Satellite (AXIS), a proposed NASA Probe-class mission, will significantly increase our understanding of supermassive black holes undergoing mergers—from kpc to sub-pc scales. In particular, the AXIS point spread function, field of view, and effective area are expected to result in (1)...
raouf, mojtaba purabbas, mohammad hossein hesar, fatemeh fazel
This review examines the relationship between black hole activity and kinematic gas–star misalignment in brightest group galaxies (BGGs) with different merger rates. The formation history of galaxy groups is assessed through “age-dating” as an indicator of distinct major mergers involving the BGGs. BGGs within groups characterized by a higher frequ...
Juratovec, Petra
Temelj obravnave magistrskega diplomskega dela je pravna analiza izvedbe pripojitve Družbe za upravljanje terjatev bank, d. d. (DUTB) k Slovenskemu državnemu holdingu, d. d. (SDH), s pregledom temeljnih značilnosti združitev ter poudarkom na posebnostih instituta poenostavljene pripojitve. DUTB in SDH sta sestrski družbi v stoodstotni lasti države ...
Maček, Rok
Kocman, Jan
Vincent, Daniel R.
Published in
Review of Network Economics
Beginning with two Hotelling duopolies where demand for the product in each market is independent of demand for the product in the other, the paper examines the price, profit and welfare consequences that result when first one firm in a market merges with a firm in the other market creating a single two-product firm and then the remaining two firms...